Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30, 2010

Weight: 206.4 lbs
Workout: P90 Disc 1 - Cardio 1-2

Nothing to really add here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 29, 2010

Weight: 207 lbs
Workout: P90 Disc 1 - Strength level 1 -2

Not my best workout, but I forged through despite having maybe 2 hrs of broken sleep. I'll take it!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28, 2010

Weight: 205.2 lbs
Workout: P90 Disc 1 Cardio - again skipping the power yoga, saving an ever valuable 5 minutes.

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27, 2010

Weight: 206.4
Workout: P90 Disc 1 - Strength level 1-2. Full workout.

Definitely tougher today with all the interrupted sleep the past few nights with Kiera & Amelia. You would think having a 1 yr old and almost 4 yr old would lead to more full nights sleep than what we get. Oh well.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26, 2010

Weight - 207.6 lbs
Workout - Power 90 Disc 1, Cardio 1 -2. Skipped power yoga.

No long entry for Saturday because Saturday night is date night and QT with the wife.

Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010

Weight - 207 lbs
Activity - Playing with the kids outside after dinner for about 45 minutes.

Currently feeling sick. Just like Christie. Looking like Kiera's cold is dragging us down too. BLEH.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 23, 2010

Weight - 209 lbs
Activity - P90 Disc 1 Cardio & Abs, I skipped the power yoga. It's pretty hard and adds another 5 minutes to the workout.

See ya tomorrow.

New Approach

Let's see... where to begin? It has been a few years since I have really focused and tried to do something about my health. Actually about 4 years ago I was about 170 lbs and feeling pretty good about myself. My size 32W were loose on me. We were expecting our first child (Amelia). We had achieved financial freedom from all our debt but our mortgage and were finishing rebuilding our home and saving for our future. Life was pretty good. Both Christie and I were making the most money we had ever made in our lives and we were just focused on doing all the right things. Eating right (more so than not). Being healthy for ourselves and our expected new baby. Saving our asses off because we were terrified of how much this kid was going to cost us.

Fast forward. We now have a little girl who is almost 4 (January) and another girl who just turned 1 in August. We are still in good shape financially. We have enough savings where we feel comfortable saying we both could be out of work for a year and still make the bills. Our home is the only thing we make payments on. The last 2 cars we bought, paid for in cash. We have been pretty disciplined in that regard. Where we have slacked is the eating right and fitness area. We are both guilty of it. Bottom line is that we have become complacent. We have made our choices and they have led to us both being very much overweight and out of shape. Currently I'm about 210 lbs. Today I was extremely uncomfortable in pants that stretch to a 38W. That shouldn't be the case.

I'm pretty comfortable in my belief that better than 75% of my friends and family struggle with the same challenges. Why? Why do we all struggle with it? Why do we constantly create excuses? Why can't we just get it done? Why do we have to "find" motivation to do this stuff? Why do we need to do this for our kids, or do it because we have money on it (family fat challenge)? Why can't we just do it because we want to be healthy for ourselves? I don't have those answers. If you are looking for those answers check some other schmucks blog.

I read a while back on one of my favorite sites ( about this toolbag who lost a ton of weight. Like me, he sounds like a total ass. Bottom line, he got tired of being fat. I'm pretty sure that is the point I'm at. I'm tired of my clothes not fitting. I'm tired of having some shrubby clothes to wear because those are the only ones that fit when I have a ton of nice clothes that I can't wear because I'm too damn fat. Here is a link to that dude's entertaining post:

Anyway, this is the approach I plan on taking. I plan to post my weight for my friends & family to see. Yeah, it will be on gay ass Facebook, but what the hell? It is something, which is better than sitting on your ass doing nothing and then whining about still being fat as time passes you by. Doing that the only things guaranteed to change is your age and your increased chances of dying earlier in life because you didn't make the time to change things for yourself.

The tools I'll use are simple. Every day I plan to post my weight in this blog AFTER I have completed a workout. Whatever the workout may be. Then simply post a link to my blog post on dumb Facebook. Primarly I plan to use Beachbody's Power90 discs to workout at home. Why have I chosen those? First - I own them. Second - it is one of the few things in life that I bought into and went through the program from beginning to end. Third - the workouts are reasonable to work into my schedule. They take no longer than 45 minutes a workout. It requires no additional equipment other than me and maybe a resistance band.

The goals are just as simple. Be consistent with what I do and show some discipline. Will I give up beer? No. Ice cream? Not likely. Mountain Dew - uhm, never. You can't miraculously change everything over night. You need to work hard, develop good/healthy habits and adjust as you go along to put yourself in a position to meet your goals. P90 is a 6 day a week workout. You alternate between strength & cardio. It has 2 DVDs. Level 1-2 (disc 1) and level 3-4 (disc 2). You simply do this for 90 days. Will I religiously do 6 days a week every week, not likely. I'll do my best though. I've done it before so there really isn't any excuses as to why I can't do it now. Make no mistake about this though - this challenge is for me. Not my kids, not my wife, family or friends. It is about me taking charge and doing something about one of my weaknesses for myself. If people choose to support me great. If they choose to bash me and make fun of me, hey, that's fine too. You won't find anyone who talks more trash about me than me. Guaranteed.

That is all I got. Don't worry though... I'll keep you posted. lol Yeah, gay ass geeky humor.