Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 6, 2010

Weight: 205.6 lbs
Workout: Nothing

Still not 100%. My stomach is a mess. Tired. Cold kicking my butt. Getting better, it's just a slow process.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5, 2010

Weight: 206.2lbs
Workout: Kevin's house again. It is a good workout, no doubt about it, but tomorrow I think I'll go back to my P90 discs.

Not really sure why the 8lb jump over 1 day. Can't figure out if it was because of the bowl of frosted mini wheats, my 1/2 a Cape Cod pizza or the BLT sandwich I had for dinner. Hmmm. Apparently I consumed too much?

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4, 2010

Weight: 198.4 lbs
Workout: Working on Kevin's house.

Been battling a bit of a cold the past couple days which I will gladly blame on the kids. Still managed to get some side work done and help out Kev with his new place. Can't wait to get them in there full time.

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 1, 2010

Weight: 206.4 lbs
Workout: P90 Disc 1 - Strength 1-2

Completion of the first week. 13 or 14 left. Down 2.6lbs