Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9

OK - seriously I suck. I've been inconsistent with workouts since early in February. My weight has gone back up to about 188lbs. I feel fat again. My size 34 waist pants that I worked so hard to get back into, are tight again.

Last week I buckled down and really felt like I turned a corner and got myself back on track with the workouts. I made sure I got up and did my workout. When it came time to do it, I embraced it and gave it my all. I thought that this week would be another stepping stone towards rebuilding that consistency I once had.

Flashback to Saturday. The stupid non-starting, gas powered weedwhacker. Pull after pull after pull after damn pull. Could not keep the f%ng thing running. End result? I pulled a muscle in my back. I've been resting it since Saturday afternoon and just taking Advil to off-set the discomfort. It sucks. I'm not letting it hold me back though. Instead, I'm using that time to take care of my body in a different way. I'm focusing more on my intake.

I've been reading a little bit and one book I found extremely intriguing was from author Tim Ferriss and the 4 hour body.
I've completed my reading of this book and although still kind of skeptical, you can't discount results. The question though becomes... how healthy is it? Which leads me to the next book I'm currently reading... The Primal Blue Print: 21 Day Total Body Transormation:
I've only started to read this book. It certainly sounds like it follows some of the more basic principles and guidelines listed in Tim's book.

The basics of both books are this: Don't overeat. Don't drink your calories. When you eat, keep to the basics. Eliminating carbs & sugars. It makes sense. They certainly have enough success stories to prove their point. Seems healthy. Why not give it a shot??

Today is my first day. This morning I made a "Primal Omelet" for breakfast. 3 eggs, bell peppers, mushrooms, crumbled bacon, baby spinach. Delicious! Lunch: "Primal Salad". Romain lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, grilled chicken and a little light Caesar dressing. Delicious as well. Problem? Still hungry. Not enough protein. This morning I put about 1 1/2 scoops of whey protein in a blender bottle and filled it with cold water. So far that has been off-setting the hunger. Tomorrow though I've got to make my salad & omelets bigger though. lol Tonight, steak & veggies. So far my only mistake has been not stepping on the scale this morning. lol I can deal with that though. I'll check it out later and then circle back in a week. Although I'm expecting my pants to be the true judge of how well this is working.

Wish me luck!