Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition... some of my struggles

I started writing this post a couple days ago and every time I think I'm good, I delete everything I had in my head and restart it.  Why?  I just don't know how to resolve my issue.  I don't know exactly what to say.  Often (VERY OFTEN) I criticize people (yes, I am as critical of others as I am of myself - equal opportunist) for not taking action.  For just sitting around and "thinking" about what to do next.  Instead of just picking a fucking route and moving forward.  If its the wrong direction, well then take a step back and change direction.  The worst thing you can do (in my opinion) is nothing.  Sitting around and saying you are thinking about doing something or trying to map out this fucking long term master plan is a waste of fucking time.  Doing something to move forward, even if later it proves to not be the best solution, is better than doing NOTHING.

Yet - here I am.  Sitting and thinking about nutrition.  Why would I do that?  After all, on a good day I'm down 27lbs on an average day I'm doing 23/24 lbs.  I am proud of that accomplishment.  I truly am.  It has taken a lot of effort, discipline and consistency to get this far - but if there is anything I have learned throughout my journey (which dates back a lot farther than this blog) is if you don't set goals, you will fail.  You need to have a target you are trying to hit.  If you hit that target, you find another target to hit.  You need to have something to keep working towards - if not, whats the point?

My goal is to have a frigin 6 pack.  For as far back as Power90 (hmmm, 11 yrs ago or so?) I've said - I can do this and I will get a 6 pack.  Yet, despite all my successes and failures, I've never achieved that.  Sure a 6 pack is kind of a generic goal.  What do you need to get to that goal?  You need consistency with fitness and you need consistency with nutrition.  Fitness is typically the easier of the two (IMO).  You need to find a time (or make time in your schedule) for it.  I've found a way to do that.  I've put in the time and continue to due so.  Every morning I get up, grab my shorts off the floor and head down to the kitchen to grab my water bottle and then head to the basement to get my workout in.  Every.  Single.  Morning.  Why do I need to do that?  I mean - I'm already down over 20lbs and according to other people I look great!

I sincerely appreciate people's support and their kind compliments.  It is not my intent to give them the feeling that their compliments do not matter or that I don't care what they have to say.  It is not.  Ultimately though I have to be happy with my results and I am not there.  I want to believe that I will know when I get there, but I'm not there.  That much I do know.  My core could/should be stronger and more defined.  I've often though about doing doubles of P90x3 and T25 to accomplish this - but I'm guilty of "over thinking" the situation.  Is it the right thing to do?  Just double up on the work, increase the workload of your body to reach the goal.. or what you perceive to be the goal?  What happens if you get injured and you can't even do the first workout for a while... what do you do then?

It brings me to nutrition.  Probably my biggest downfall.  Yes, I know Doritos and beer aren't good for me.  No shit.  I can read ingredients and see that, but you know what.... I like to have them from time to time.  Some weeks more than others.  Should I have a second plate of whatever dinner is that night?  Probably not.  Should I go back for more pizza?  Probably not.  These are things I do though.  They are also decisions that are preventing me to getting to my next goal.  These are MY decisions and I have no one to blame for them but myself.  I had been teetering on the weight of 170lbs for weeks.  Some time last week I saw myself about 173 and honestly I haven't stepped back on the scale since.  I know if I do, it won't be what I want - because I haven't changed the things I need to change.

In addition to all my nutrition struggles - the past week I have really struggled to get these workouts in.  I'm getting them done.  Haven't missed a single one, which I should be proud of.  I'm fighting it though.  My body is tired and I promised myself I wouldn't overtax my body like I did last time and injure myself.  Yet another reason why I haven't done doubles with T25.  I've been doing the 30 day burpee challenge (30 burpees a day for 30 days) in conjunction with restarting P90x3 and it has been SO tough to get through these burpees as the week goes on.  Honestly, by the end of the week it was taking me 10 minutes to finish 30 burpees.  Fucking ridiculous.  I'm more fit than that.  The issue though (IMO) is when I choose to not fuel my body right.  Indulge in some alcohol, even if its just a beer or two, and some empty calories the next day my body is completely drained.  Even more than if I instead chose just to go to bed hungry.  Not that I typically do, I'm usually quite satisfied with dinner (unless we have shrimp for some reason) and I typically do not eat another thing after dinner.  I try to go by the "eat nothing within 3 hrs of going to bed" rule, with the exception of Saturday nights when we have our "date night".

Anywho I need to just end this sorry ass post and get back to work.  I can't keep over thinking the situation.  I need to just prepare my food better and make the healthiest choice available to me at that given time and I will get there.  KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).