Thursday, February 11, 2016

Convict Conditioning, ETP, 2016 Yearly Physical

Lets start with my yearly physical.  My blood pressure was a little high.  132/90, but not horrible.  Logging my food has definitely made me much more aware of the sodium issue.  SO much sodium in prepared foods, even salads.  So frustrating.

My weight was 176lbs, which is 4lbs over last year.  I told my Dr that my weight is + or - 5lbs and I'm not worried about it, but he said I should probably look to try and lose that "extra weight".  Yeah - thanks for the help?

Cholesterol, this is where my Dr was really concerned.  He said my good cholesterol took a hit.  Yeah, it went from 51 to 50.  wow  My bad cholesterol went from 118 to 159.  He was far more concerned about it than I was.  My liver functions were perfectly fine.  My triglycerides were also perfectly fine.  My cholesterol is still within a normal range.  If it is still going up next year, then we start talking.  Like everything else though, I want it controlled via nutrition.

ETP - well, I'm still doing it.  I'm doing 2 days of "rest day" calories and 1 day "training day" calories.  Then start over.  Still ramping up to the 2700+ calories of a training day.  I'll get there.

Convict Conditioning.  I'm a few weeks into this.  I'll say this, it is 100% harder than I expected it to be.  I honestly expected to breeze through the first few steps of this program and it has been very humbling to see that I'm not.  Actually there are some moves that I am stuck on "step 2".  Push ups being one of them.  3 sets of 40 incline pushups (SLOW, 5 seconds per rep) is brutal.  I haven't gotten it yet, but I will.  Crow stand (aka Crow), I am supposed to hold for 1 minute.  Yeah, I haven't even gotten 30 seconds yet.  Need to focus and keep pushing.  I'm trying not to get discouraged.  I think it helps that I continue to move forward in other areas with other exercises, but I definitely still have some sticking points.  I'm trying to respect where I am right now and trust the process.  Earn my way to the fitness achievements that I want.

Nothing really else to mention here that I can think of.  I have a few OCRs I want to do this year.  F.I.T. Challenge in April.  Tough Scrambler in April and Spartan Sprint in June.  Just have to get this body ready.  Doing some cardio might help.  lol  Zero cardio for a while now.  :P

Until next time.....