Sunday, March 24, 2019

Where Am I? What Am I Doing? - Nutrition aspect...

Beyond overdue blog post.  Let's try and give some sort of rambling update and let folks know where I am.

Nutrition:  I stopped ETP back in June of 2018.  I wanted to experiment with Intermittent Fasting a little bit.  In addition to kind of find my way to more quality food. 

Intermittent Fasting:  I went with the 16/8 rule.  Fasting for 16hrs and eat all your calories in 8hrs.  What I had read was that people use I.F. for calorie reduction.  Essentially they skip a meal a day to insure that they eat under their daily caloric intake.  It was interesting.  In the beginning it was a little challenging, but then, like everything else - it became quite easy.  To the point where I could fast for 18 to 20hrs.  Again, it was an interesting experiment.  I didn't hate it, but at the same time it did make some things more challenging.  Such as if there were planned lunch/dinner events with family and friends.  During this time I got myself back down to somewhere between 167lbs and 170lbs.  For the most part, felt lean.  Not tracking any food.

Non-I.F.:  Basically eating like I was back when doing ETP.  I didn't eat the same amount I had been eating during that time.  Certainly at times I felt like I was eating more than I probably needed.  My lunches were typically a serving of spring salad mix with 4 or 5 oz of grilled steak tips and some cherub tomatoes.  I've been eating oatmeal, banana, chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast for a long time now.  Really really good stuff.  Afternoon snack would be an apple with peanut butter or protein bar.  Mornings I would have a protein shake with my pancakes.  Dinner would be whatever the wife was making.  Typically not unhealthy.  Plenty of healthy carbs.

Whatever:  Weight got up to almost 175lbs.  WOW.  That escalated quickly!  What was I eating?  I don't even know what my lunches were.  Breakfast was steady.  Afternoon snack I bypassed the apple and just ate whatever I wanted for peanut butter.  Dinners were a bit heavier on pasta.  Post dinner was a bit of cereal, etc...

More Veggies!:  Feeling like my body isn't "regular" and I simply need more veggies I choose to introduce some recipes from Simnett Nutrition, who is a Vegan calisthenics guy I follow on YouTube.  Not because I want to be a Vegan..... HELL NO.  I have far too much love for burgers, bacon, all things steak.  Breakfasts have been consistent... pancakes.  I've ditched the protein shake.  Morning snack is either an apple or banana.  Lunch has been a dish from Derek Simnett called One Pot split red lentil curry.  It has split red lentils, cauliflower, carrots, onion, frozen peas, red bell pepper, thai curry paste, garlic powder, cumin, chipotle powder.  REALLY good.  Afternoon snack typically a banana with peanut butter.  Dinner, again pretty healthy.  Post dinner, usually some granola (peanut butter with dark chocolate).  Sometimes with Fairlife milk, sometimes without.  Results after a week?  back to 169lbs.  Pretty crazy. Definitely not as lean as I had been or felt.  Certainly felt some stomach bloat.  On the positive though without question more regular.  No longer going multiple days without a poop. 

So.... what am I going to do?  I've thought about going back to ETP.  Why?  One reason is between that and TRX I got down to 160lbs and felt pretty frigin lean.  Not to mention strong.  It is very appealing.  At the same time I have ZERO interest in going back to tracking all my food.  Weighing everything and logging it before I consume it.  No question their methods work, but I don't see that as a long term solution for life. 

That's all I've got for now.... I'll follow up later on my training.