Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19

OK - well I've been fatter.... but I still don't feel great about myself right now. lol

Weight as of this morning: 187.6lbs (OUCH!!!)

I can wrap up the last 7 weeks with a few short words. Slack-a-dasical, non-committed, injured (for a couple weeks) and lazy. OK - I think that wraps that up. No excuses. I'm still down 15lbs from when I started, but let's face it... when you were down over 20lbs, this kinda sucks.

The wife and I have both strayed. We have lost some of that motivation and commitment, which sucks because we were going strong for a good 6 mos or so. We have had some bad habits creep back into our lives that we need to stop. Like alcohol during the week and snacking after the kids go to bed. Basically just shooting ourselves in the foot.

So we decided this past weekend we are basically just going to try and keep it simple. Fake it until we make it. During the week we'll do our best to eat well and just drink water. Eliminate alcohol & snacking. Just keep getting up at 4:30AM and doing our workouts. Need to get back into the rhythm that was making us so successful. Let's face it you both don't lose over 20lbs each by doing stupid things. Nope. It takes the perfect combination of being fat and doing some of the right things. lol We still have the first part, but need to work our way back with the 2nd. lol

OK - well time to wrap this up. I've got Plyometrics tomorrow morning. They suck and I am not a huge fan, but I won't deny it is a phenomenal cardio workout. Need to rest up and see if I can push myself and get the most out of the workout.


Tonja said...

All you can do is jump back into the game! P.S. I know you aren't a fan of spending more money, but the Energy & Endurance formula GREATLY helps the mornings I have to do cardio (like Plyo). Since I only use on scoop because I am sensitive to caffeine AND I don't use it for every workout, the little container has lasted me a couple months and still has a lot left. I think it's only $23? Anyway, just thought I'd let ya know ;)

Keep pushing play!

ThrashnBash said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check into it. There are definitely mornings when I could use an extra kick.

I'm also going to see if I can rig up some background music for when I'm working out. That can act as a great distraction and get the heart pumping even more.