Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22nd

Its been quite some time since I've posted.  I haven't abandoned being healthy and getting in shape.  In fact I just spent the last 13 weeks doing BeachBody's T25 program.  I'm down about 20lbs and for the first time in over a decade in the 170's.  I have before and after pics to post, but that will be a few more days as life is very busy right now.

What have I been doing since I completed T25?  Honestly I've kept busy with a Power90 hybrid program.  T25 does very little in regards to working out with weights.  Something I missed more than I thought I would.  I've gone back to Power90 simply because the strength portion of this routine is under an hour (38 minutes for level 3-4).  I'm happy to say I've been consistent and continuing to do T25 (mostly for cardio) 3 days a week and doing Power90 level 3-4 strength for 3 days a week.  Its producing results.  I know it is.  I'm just not where I want to be yet.  Although again, I've finally reached a "healthy" BMI for whatever that shit is worth.  Well, I'll be honest.  For someone who was really made some lifestyle changes in the past 3 months to get healthy, it means a lot.

I'm getting there.  With the combination of eating mostly Paleo and regular exercise I have had some success and I plan on having more.

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