Friday, May 30, 2014

Look who's still at it?

Well first off I'm still working out faithfully.  My neck/shoulder issues appear to be a thing of the past.  My nutrition is still an issue.  Summer is here and everything in summer says "drink a beer with me".  lol  I'm working on that.  I really am.  I'm focusing on trying to limit my alcohol consumption to 1 day a week and even at that, limit it to 2 or 3 beers.  There isn't a need for it at all, but I do enjoy it.  The problem is - I have a beer or two and then out comes the junk food.  Granted, it isn't an every day thing.  Its not even an every few days thing, but it still ends up being a bigger issue.  Its certainly not helping me get to the bigger goal.

So what have I been up to?  First.... well I'm not just doing T25.  I'm not just doing P90x3.  I'm doing a hybrid of the two programs and quite honestly I'm loving it.  P90X3 had zero cardio to offer me.  T25 pretty much had very little strength training to offer me.  I do love weight workouts.  SOOOO....  the search for a hybrid went on.  I found one I like that wasn't just doing doubles every frigin day (I ain't got time for all that!)  Its workout out really well.  I really enjoy the blend and variety of it all.  I'm currently on week 6 of this thing... 6 or 7 more weeks to go!

I'll check my weight on Saturday but my mid week check had me at 176, which didn't really please me.  I did drink a lot and eat a lot over the holiday weekend though.

Bottom line:  I will not reach my fitness goals if I do not correct my nutrition.  I'm a dead horse by saying it and not completely correcting it, but that is the reality.  Something I need to work on.  Part of addressing that will be me getting more involved in the meal planning and controlling my portions.  I can workout until my arms & legs fall off, but it won't matter if I don't fuel my body correctly.  My first time I did Power90 I used the following book:  The Formula: 40-30-30.  Honestly - I kicked ass and my body looked it too.  My strength gains were better, my stamina was better, I slept better and my urges for junk food were very much in control. Definitely a good read for anyone interested:

Being honest with myself I think I need to setup a 3 week interval where I reign in my nutrition and follow a strict meal plan to see how my body does.  I need to know if I'm ever going to see under 170 again (other than for a brief fleeting day or two).  I've come a great distance, but I am not there.  It is great to be at a healthy weight again.  Feeling more fit and strong.  Liking the way I look (minus the abs).  There is still more work to be done though.

That's all I've got for today.  I'll do a better job of updating my blog.  Nearly 2 months between posts?  Not gonna work.  Good luck to everyone with their fitness goals!!

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