Monday, August 4, 2014

Dr follow up, cholesterol, Piyo, nutrition, next steps/program

I follow up with my Dr every 6 mos.  I do fasting blood work, etc... I had been on Lisinopril (10mg) for high blood pressure, which I am very much convinced is a result of whitecoat syndrome.  I was also on Pravistatin (80mg) for high cholesterol.  Back in January I saw my Dr for the first time since I had started T25 and I was down over 20lbs (last summer I was 197lbs), my BP was good and my cholesterol was finally within normal limits.  He did not want me to come off cholesterol meds.  Instead he recommended I cut my dosage in half (just break the pills in half) and we'd revisit it at this last appt.  Well my cholesterol numbers were fantastic.  My good cholesterol went up to 56 (last time it was 53 in January and last year it was 41).  My bad cholesterol was down to 66 (129 I think in January and closer to 200 last summer).  Doc was still hesitant to allow me to come off the cholesterol meds because in his opinion they do "other things to HELP" my body.  I'm off them.  I'll help my body through nutrition and exercise.  Still on the BP meds until I can prove I don't need them.

I'm still at it.  My weight is hanging between 169 & 170lbs.  My nutrition isn't perfect.  I know if I buckle down I will reach my next goal of 165lbs.  Either way my body continues to change for the better.  The scale number is just that - a number.  I can show you a flabby person weighing 170lbs and I can show you a more muscular person at 170lbs.  Right now I'm the latter.  I want to continue to push myself and get down to 165lbs and lose the rest of this belly before my next program/routine.  The best way to accomplish that is to continue to trust the workout programs and buckle down on my nutrition.

Current program is Piyo.  I've completed my T25/P90X3 hybrid and it was fantastic.  I'd highly recommend it to anyone who owns those 2 great programs.  Piyo is supposed to be a fast paced combination of Pilates and Yoga.  I've been working through this program with my wife.  There isn't any impact on the joints, but it still works your body pretty good using all body weight exercises.  Since she is just coming off hip replacement surgery back in April, this seemed like a great option.  So far so good.  Some of the workouts we've done so far have been extremely short (18 min, 21 min respectively) but I'm finding ways to dig deeper on my focus of what its trying to work and push my body.  I'm not really sure what to expect from it, but I'm trusting the program and hoping for the best.  Things that I am concerned about though are 1) losing some cardiovascular stamina and 2) losing some muscle size.  After all there isn't any traditional cardio in this program and no weights per say lifted in the program.  Just body weight.  We just completed week 2, so 25% done.  I'm looking forward to seeing how we are in the end.

Nutrition.  Overall we eat pretty healthy.  Weekends are more of a struggle.  Vacations are definitely a struggle.  We have done a great job of continuing our fitness and activity during these times, but nutrition wise we seem to just kind of throw most of it out the window.  It is a challenge for both of us to find that happy medium.  Christie has started reading the book "It Starts With Food", which kind of prepares you for the "Whole30".  If anyone doesn't know what the Whole30 is, there is quite a bit of information available out there.  Here is a link to their site:    The short of it?  Eliminate all processed food, dairy (milk, cheese, ice cream, etc...) grains (breads, crackers, etc...) and just eat whole foods for 30 days.  Oh yeah and no alcohol either.  OUCH.  Yeah, that one hurts.  I'm not a drunk, but I do like to relax with a beer or two.  Apparently we are targeting starting this Sept 1st.  This will be a HUGE challenge for both of us.  Can we do it?  I believe we can, but the commitment will be kind of "next level" beyond where we have gone.  We've done things before like the Paleo 28 day challenge, etc... so we know we can do this - but it will be tough.  Damn I'll miss pizza.  :(

Right or wrong I've picked my next program.  It will be Body Beast (yes, why would I not pick a Beachbody program?).  The 3 primary reasons why I chose this program  1) I need a break from Shaun T 2) I need a break from Tony Horton 3) I want to add a little muscular size to my frame and the 4th bonus, its on sale right now.  lol  I'm very anxious to start it - but at the same time it won't kill me to wait it out.  Again - we have another 6 weeks of Piyo on the schedule.

One last thing.... I just celebrated 1 year of fitness.  Yup, that is one year of making a commitment to being healthier.  I committed to making sure I get 30 min a day of exercise in and I've stuck with that.  During that time in the Beachbody community I've met some incredible people.  Some truly inspiring people that have helped me on my journey to making me a better me.  We have become some what of a family in our own right and I couldn't be happier about that.  It brings me great pleasure to try and help them succeed and support them during their journey as they are doing for me.  Just a truly awesome experience.  Yet another reason why I love Beachbody.  I'm very proud of how far I've come during that time, but I know not to get content - there is still work to be done.  :)

I'll update again soon.... hopefully before September (I've become such a slackass on blogging)

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