Monday, April 20, 2015

Goals.... how do you measure success?

Here is something that I have wondered about.  Especially since right now my workouts are primarily driven by "home workouts".  How do set goals with these programs?  How do you measure success?

Certainly I've completed my fair share of home workout programs.  Power90, T25, P90x3 and Piyo (to some degree), Body Beast, etc... I guess I've always had the same goal.  It all goes back to Power90.  When I bought that, I saw Tony Horton on the cover.  The dude was ripped.  Ripped abs, pretty jacked.  It was clear he was FIT.  THAT is the body that I've always wanted.  That, as the program/brand stated, was the "Beach Body".  It is something I've never had.

When I first started doing these types of programs, the number 1 goal was to get to a healthy weight.  Bottom line is that I was extremely out of shape and you need to start with a goal.  For some people I guess a goal could be just to show up every day and do it.  The results at the end of the program are whatever they are.  That is certainly one approach.  Every program offers similar visual results.  Some offer more specific things, like Body Beast offers you the chance to gain mass muscle size.  Some programs use weights, some don't.  Some are purely cardio based (Insanity), some have little/no cardio (insert Piyo here).

When I started working out (again) back in July of 2013 I was 197lbs and I knew to get to a healthy BMI I needed to get to 176lbs.  I had accomplished that by December of 2013.  I was down to about 175lbs.  Yet - I still had a pretty pudgy belly and I wasn't very muscular at all.  Tony Horton and P90x3 came out and I jumped on it immediately.  Fantastic program.  I grabbed hold of that and ran with it to try and target those problem areas.  I wanted bigger arms.  A CHEST.  A back with some width.  Strong legs.  Most importantly... I wanted the ripped core.  I wanted a 6 pack.  I'll spoil the surprise... I didn't get everything I wanted.  LOL

As I've pushed ahead doing these assorted programs I've never had any clearly defined goals.  NEVER.  Just a vision of what I want my body to look like.  I haven't gotten there yet.  I've managed to continue to improve upon my nutrition and I feel pretty good about that.  I need to work on those random binges that come up when it's date night.  My weight right now is fluctuating between 167 - 170lbs, which isn't too bad.  It is considered a healthy weight for someone of my height (5' 11").  I feel like I am continuing to shape my body more in line with how I envision it is supposed to look, albeit SLOWLY.  Or, more accurately - more like I would prefer it to look.  How I WANT it to look.  Continuing to shed some fat and gain muscle.  Yet despite this presumed forward progress, I can't help but feel like I'm a hamster on a wheel.  Just getting up, getting on my wheel to do my exercise because "that's what I'm supposed to do".  It's what healthy people do.  That's great and all... but where am I going with this?  What am I working towards exactly here?  Abs?  (Yes - definitely abs and hopefully so much more)

I spoke to this a little in my last post, but let me touch on it here a little more.  I have a couple friends that do CrossFit and they are always speaking very highly of it.  How goal driven things are.  I couldn't help to wonder what this was like.  Goals?  What goals?  Like, you want to be able to bench press more?  Squat more?  What?  Inquiring minds want to know!!  Like NOW!!  I seriously don't know what it's like to have goals other than "to finish a program" in "hopes" to be in better shape than when I started.  Those have always been my goals.  Other than of course, getting that Tony Horton body that I saw on the cover of Power90 over 12 yrs ago.  lol


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