Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7th 2012

Happy New Year!
Weight: 186.6lbs
Buckle down on eating? So far - no good. lol Monday yielded Papa Ginos pizza and soda. Followed by a appetizer sampler platter all for myself with a few beers. Let's fast forward to yesterday when I had McDonalds (can you say fucking GROSS). Even though I only had a chicken sandwich and fries with a water I could feel my body's reaction. It was getting instantly bloated, retaining water, the arteries were hardening. I'd rather eat bad food made right than fast food.

Anyway - next week is another week. This week saw me doing my first week of P90X Phase 2. I'm STILL feeling the back & bicep workout (which was 4 days ago). I did legs and back yesterday. It's going well. I'm stronger, but still lots of room for improvement.

Until next week. Later.

1 comment:

Tonja said...

You're doing great! And I don't think I could handle McD's at all now!! I can't even imagine what my body would do to me! :)