Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th

Well to say the past few months have been inconsistent would be an understatement.  I guess the only positives are 1) I know how to fix that and 2) I have the power to fix it.

My body is not looking as good as it was say 4 months ago.  Even though I'm only up a few lbs (currently about 186lbs) I can see & feel the difference.  It's not good.

I started P90X again from the beginning last week.  Got 3 days  into it and got side tracked.  I still kept myself active on the days I didn't do P90X, but it certainly wasn't structured workouts like P90X. 

This week I've been 2 for 2 on my workouts, which is good.  Both last week and this week I surprised myself and made it all the way through Plyometrics.  That workout is definitely the most difficult for me.  Especially when I start it at 4:30AM.  The alternative to that is to do CardioX and I'll be honest... that workout is weak and not nearly as heart pumping has Plyo. 

Tomorrow is shoulders & arms.  I'm a guy.  I like that workout.  It get's my arms pumped up and makes me feel strong.  lol  Yeah, who cares how big your arms look when you are fat or your belly looks fat?  I know I know.  Either way - it is still a workout and still moving in the right direction. 

We'll see how far I can take this thing this time.  Hopefully the full 90.  Last time I got to 75 days and then life just got too busy.  We'll give it another shot.  I have a follow up with my Dr in October when I have to actually get bloodwork done.  I haven't had that done in a couple years.  Technically I'm supposed to be on medication for high cholesterol.  I stopped taking that medication some time ago.  I'd like to prove I don't need medication to manage my health.  I'm 40 and I shouldn't need to.  It's all under my control.

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