Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1 (Day 70) - P90X [Day 24]

P90X - Kenpo X (58 minutes)

Not a bad workout.  I'll be honest.... this is my 4th week doing P90X.  Even though Kenpo X is in the routine at least once per week every week, this is the first time I've done the workout.  What the hell do you want from me?  The workout usually falls on the weekend when I'm at the busiest. 

How was it?  Pretty good.  As I said to Christie, this workout is a sneaky sweat workout.  You workout, you don't think you are working that hard....but every time you turn around sweat is dripping off you.  I definitely have room for improvement on it.  There were some kicking routines that I could have been better at.  Especially when I had to kick with my left foot, that was an area I struggled with.  Punching sequences I did pretty well.  The only one I was having some issues with was when you would do a jump switch to do the other side.  So lead with the left, do your punch sequence, jump and switch your feet and lead with your right and do the same sequence.  Keep repeating until the set is done. 

Tomorrow, X-Stretch.  FINALLY.  I can stop talking about how much I need this workout and missing it, this time actually get the fucking thing done.  Should be 58 minutes of GLORIOUS stretching.  Until then.

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