Saturday, December 12, 2015

Bod Pod test results and NUTRITION

Well this morning I went for a "Bod Pod" test to see where I'm at from a body fat/lean body mass stand point.  For those that don't know, Bod Pod is considered the most accurate Body Fat test available at this time.

I've guesstimated for a while now I'm around 25%.  Today's results confirmed I'm not far off.  24.3% and 172lbs.  Considering I'm 5' 11" tall and 43yrs old, I'm not totally sad about that.  Obviously room for improvement though.

One thing that I was very surprised they went over with me was, how to get better.  They spoke nutrition to me.  They didn't have to.  I was there for a body fat test and nothing more.  Yet they took the time to ask me about my nutrition.  Inquire about the things I'm eating, when I'm eating them and how I can get closer to my goals.  They even included how much I SHOULD be eating if I wanted to just maintain where I am or how much I should be eating if I wanted to get leaner.  Much to my surprise (kind of) those numbers were very much in line with what I got from ETP.  I should essentially be eating almost 2800 calories on "training" days.  Considering I was eating maybe between 1400 - 1600 using the 21 Day Fix, this will be a drastic change to my body.  A welcome change though for sure.

Next up - figure out how I can get there and hit my macros on a daily basis.  Let the fun begin!!

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