Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27

HOLY CRAP. It has been nearly 6 weeks since I last blogged. Yeah, not good. The good news though is I am still continuing my quest against my bad habits and starting to see some results. The biggest key? What I put into my body. Go figure. I've been an idiot for waiting so long on changing my eating.

I started this quest at 202.4 lbs back on August 1st. I've fluctuated up to 205lbs, despite working out quite regularly. I can thank my wife for that. She has been the inspiration to continue. Her work ethic has been unmatched. She is determined to see results and doing ALL the right things to get herself there. I couldn't be more proud. That being said, this post is about ME. lol

2 weeks ago I started to change my eating habits. I all but eliminated soda & beer. The only liquid intake I've been drinking is water & my meal replacement shake in the morning. Making some different food choices and low and behold I'm FINALLY losing weight. I'm weighed in this morning at 194.2 lbs. The first time I've seen that number in at least a year, if not more.

I'm still doing P90 Strength levels 3-4 on my resistance training days. However the other days (aka cardio) I've ditched P90 and started doing the P90X+ Kenpo Cardio. That with the P90 level 1-2 ab workout. That really seems to be working out well for me. It feels fresh and gives me a GREAT sweat. The abs need to be done. I am still far from a 6 pack, but my waist line is going down. I've gone from being extremely uncomfortable with 36" pants that have the stretchy waist to wearing regular 34" waist pants. They feel snug, but not nearly as uncomfortable as my pants used to be.

Bottom line - I'm getting there. Not there yet, but I am getting there and it feels great.

I had targeted December 1st to start my next quest.... P90X. That date won't work because it falls in the middle of a week, so I'll move it to Monday November 28th. Right after the Turkey holidays. I just have to get the basement prepared for my pull up bar because I'm going to need it!!! I'm finally to the point where I am almost strong & confident enough to believe I can succeed with that program. Looking forward to tacking it and turning 40 in the BEST shape of my life. Wish me luck!!!

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