Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1

OK - well continuing to do the workouts. Last night was Halloween and I have yet to give into the temptation of the candy. Actually we had 4 left-over bags of candy (someone either over-purchased or was a little skimpy handing them out. lol). Christie and I each brought 2 bags to our work so other people who want it can eat it. We are all set.

Got up and did my workout this morning (still P90 level 3-4 strength). I've been feeling like I'm in a bit of a rut. I have been using the same weights now for about a month. Maybe longer. So this morning for somethings (like biceps) I switched to the resistance bands. I can create my own tension there and it felt really good. Different for sure, but good.

There is no question that I am stronger. NO QUESTION. I can feel it. I can see it too. I can see my arms are bigger and more defined. My shoulders, chest. Even my legs are starting to tone up. I can feel my lat muscles. Yeah, I know... they are actually there! lol It's the mid-section that is killing me. My issue there is one of nutrition and routine. Routine wise, I am simply not doing enough abs in my workout. I'm relying on the other elements of my workout to work them. In reality I need to do a dedicated workout for them at least 3 times a week.

Nutrition. It has been a struggle for me. I'm consciously trying. However last night when they brought over Cape Cod Cafe Pizza (MY favorite) I didn't do so well eating 6 slices of pepperoni. lol After I felt really bloated and fat. I don't like that feeling. That being said, we bought and paid for it so I've got 6 pieces with me today. I'll eat 3 today for lunch and 3 tomorrow for lunch. Try and make better decisions for dinner and snacks and continue to workout. Hopefully that will off-set it. That's my hope anyway. It isn't easy giving up the things you love to eat. Especially when it is so readily available. However for at least now, it has to be done. It HAS to be done. The bigger picture is at stake. The ultimate goal. Hit my target weight and be in the best shape of my life by the time I reach 40. I'm not there yet, so until I do get there I need to continue to make better food choices and work out as hard as I can when it comes time to do that (sadly at 4:45Am).

I've got about 3 weeks before I start P90X. There is some work I need to do in preparation for it. I must make some modifications to my basement so I can use the pull-up bar in a doorway. It's not a ton of work, but it's extra work. My goal is to complete that routine. Continue with my nutrition (if not get even better with it) and have the most fit body I've had in my life. Some people may not understand and I'm cool with that. At times I'm not so sure why it is so important to me. Then I look at my kids and see the strength I have for when I play with them. My 2 yr old who didn't want to walk the neighborhood for trick or treating last night. Well I had to carry her around to about 15 houses. Thinking back, it was easy. I wasn't tired from doing it. I wasn't winded when running with her in my arms to catch up to the other kids. That is a HUGE change from where I was 3 months ago. I like the way I feel. I'm liking the way I look. I'm liking the way my clothes fit (not there yet, but getting there). I want that stuff to continue. I want to comfortably fit back into 32 waist jeans. I want to be a positive example my kids can follow. So for that, I just keep getting up at ridiculous hours and pushing play and doing the workout. It ain't easy... but it must be done.

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