Saturday, November 5, 2011

November 5

Alrighty, kudos to me for going the whole week without giving in to Halloween candy. Yes, that is right. Not a single piece of candy.

It wasn't a perfect week by any stretch though. Monday night we had Cape Cod Cafe pizza and I had 6 pieces. Had another 4 for lunch the following day. Then on top of that went out to the Bruins game and we ate in the North End. I had steak, garlic mashed & asparagus. It was yummy. Oh and a couple of beers too. Then back at the luxury box I had more pizza, chicken fingers & buffalo wings. FAIL for me. The rest of the week I was pretty good with the exception of Thursday night when I had ice cream at 8PM. It was a relatively small bowl though.

I did ALL my workouts this week!! It's a Christmas frickin miracle! Gotta get ready for that P90X.

Speaking of which... I had ordered some Iron Gym complete workout set that came with a pull up bar. Got it. The pull up bar won't do. It just won't work for my workouts. Switching over to a new pull up bar. Now I just need to finish a spot in the basement where I can use it. lol

No idea what I weigh right now, but I know on Friday morning I was 193. Not too shabby. Again, a new low for me. First time in sometime I've seen that number. I was pretty good with my eating on Friday too. No Friday morning fatty breakfast. I just did my protein shake before work, had an apple when everyone else chowed. My chili for lunch. A granola bar, apple and some goldfish for afternoon snacks. Dinner was a yummy stuffed chicken (spinach, cheese & prociutto), pasta & peas. Nothing but water to drink.

It'll be interesting to see what I weigh this morning after everyone gets up. I'd love to be less than 193, but that probably won't happen. Even if I stay at 193 it will be somewhat of a mental victory.

OK - time to end the post. I'm tired!!

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