Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 15/16

It wasn't easy but I got up and did my workout both yesterday and today.  I've done a pretty good job of avoiding snacking, beer and all things yummy.  lol 

I continue to use the heart rate monitor as a gauge and try to pick up the pace when I see it get a little low.  I was hoping because my eating habits have changed for the better (what I think anyway) that this fat would just melt right off me.  lol  Yeah, it's been 4 days.... not 4 months.  lol  I have to remind myself of that. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14 (restart - strength)

Got up this morning after a pretty crappy night sleep (thanks Quinn aka super pooch).  Took the dog for a very brief 15 minute walk and the dog refused to go any further.  Brought her home, fed her and went downstairs to do a Power90 Strength workout (Level 3- 4).  My how I have fallen. 

The workout was TOUGH.  I struggled in all elements of it.  For simplicity I tried to just use the RED resistance bands I used the first time I ever did the workout.  The issue is it doesn't work very well for certain exercises.  In addition to that, I have some weak wrists.  I've been able to get by that in the past by using the push up bars.  They've worked well.  I still struggled.  Especially my left wrist where I was wearing the heart rate monitor watch.  I may have to just leave that off when I'm doing strength because I found it getting in the way when I did bicep exercises as well. 

Lunge/Squat combos - still a killer.  VERY tough for me.  My legs (or the rest of my body for that matter) just isn't as strong as it used to be.  I SUCKED.  I'll do better next time though.  At least I got up and did something, which is half the battle.  Just a reminder that I just have to do it.  I just have to get up and do something or forever feel weak.

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13 (restart - cardio)

Today I got up and did Power90 Cardio level 3-4.  I actually wore my heart rate monitor and I kept my heart rate between 120bpm and it peaked around 166bpm.  According to the Mayo clinic's heart rate calculator for someone my age my range should be 126bpm - 153bpm.  I'll have to adjust the hrm tomorrow. 

I have not been working out.  I have completely slacked.  It wouldn't be the end of the world if I had been doing a better job of eating.  Breakfast, lunches & dinners we are actually good.  We have eliminated so many processed foods out of our regular meals.  Our problem has been night time snacking and alcohol consumption.  Nearly nightly we were sitting down, watching TV, snacking on processed food (chips, Taquitos, etc...) and either beer or wine.  Bad habits.  It has led to me getting soft, losing muscle and gaining weight.  I've gained 10 lbs and up to 191lbs.

Where am I going with it?  I have no idea.  I'm trying.  Just trying.  I've got to get up tomorrow and give the dog a walk, but maybe when I'm done (if there is time) I'll follow it up with Power90 Strength level 3-4.  It's a good workout and honestly I have to work myself back up to the fitness level to do P90X.

OK - that is all.

If you get the chance, check out these great sites for their recipes.  Awesome stuff.  Pretty healthy.