Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31st

Impromptu weigh in this morning.

Weight: 182.6lbs.

Deal? HUGE. This puts me at the 20lb mark for weight lost for this particular adventure. I'm pretty pumped by that.

Over the weekend we got a new (used) bedroom set and while moving/organizing my clothes (FINALLY) I was able to weed out so much stuff. Everything that I setup was Lge for shirts and waist size 34 for pants. Gone where my XLs and 36s. I'm finally at the point where I am comfortable that those sizes will not be needed at any future time in my life. I mean, at this point Christie and I have been working out for 6 months. It hasn't been an easy 20 lbs to lose and I'm sure the next 10 I need to lose won't be easy either... but it's always the hard accomplishments that are the most rewarding.

Fitness: I'm now in the 3rd and final phase of P90X. I know I can do it because the 3rd phase is just a combination of the first two phases I've already done. One thing working against me is my brother's basement and me insisting I do so many things vs having anyone else doing them. That's my own issue though. lol That project is taking up my nights and work taking up the days. It'll be difficult to keep on my 4:30AM wake-up/workout schedule, but I'm going to do my best. For the record though.... after not falling asleep until about midnight last night I made the choice to skip Plyometrics this morning.

I'm officially 6 weeks from turning 40 (not that the number bothers me). I'm feeling a lot better about myself and I know I'm looking pretty good. Especially compared to my prior fitness level. I'm going to do my best to finish this final round of P90X strong and then go at it again, harder. Why not? Just keep doing it until you don't like it or it stops motivating you. I can see gains in strength from doing this. I can see exercises I couldn't do before, I can now do some of. I can see improvement in my form across ALL exercises. It's only been a 60 day adventure for this one and I've only lost about 8 or 9 lbs in that 60 days but think of my old lifestyle and the alternative.... well, this is much better. :)

There is no question I could be lighter and fitter if I even remotely tried to stick with the P90X nutrition guide. I'll be honest, I haven't. On the weekend all the rules go out the window. lol I don't eat like a pig the whole day on both days, but I do definitely indulge. I'll sit there and eat a bag of chips and wash it down with a Mtn Dew or have beer and pizza (both are my favorite combinations). I've had a beer (at least 1) now for 5 straight days (Ipswich Oatmeal Stout sucks though.. just an FYI). I still make sure though I get my ass up and do my workout. I work it off. Get my body in the right mindset, even if my mind isn't. lol It's working. It's working because I'm finding a way to work it into my life in a way that it works for me (as my wife has always told me we needed to do). No complaints.

Hopefully in 30 days from now my fitness level will be good enough that I'm comfortable posting day 90 pics of myself, however if it isn't... well, just wait longer! I'll get there. I'm expecting to dress a lot more accordingly this spring/summer and show off just how fit I've become.

On a final note - a HUGE thank you to my incredible wife. She does ALL the food shopping, meal planning, cooking and she is the reason we don't have frozen pizza every night. lol She is usually good at convincing me I should be drinking water with my meal instead of beer (not so much lately though). Although she picks probably the worst possible time to snack (8 or 8:30PM), she still keeps us on track. For that, I'm extremely grateful. She motivates me, inspires me with her tremendous work ethic and works with me to insure I can do what I feel I need to do to be successful in all walks of life. She continues to kick ass on our fitness journey as well and I'm so very proud of her for it. Congrats hun. I've finally caught up to you with the 20lb loss mark, let's go get the next 10!


Tonja said...

GREAT JOB! Often the last 30 days of a program have the ability to do the MOST... so TRY to crack down on the "indulging" :) Looking forward to those after pictures!!

Christie said...

Thanks hon! You've done SO well and I'm so proud of you! xoxo