Friday, August 19, 2011

August 19

Where to begin since I haven't blogged in sometime.  Well, my weight still isnt' really coming down.  I'm still around 201.  I'm OK with that right now.  Not a big deal.  

Last week I missed Saturday's workout (sick kids).  This week I missed Monday's workout (sick kids).  I've tried my best to stick with the routine though.  I'm going to keep trying though and not give up.  I'd only be letting myself down.  

This morning I attempted to workout, but it didn't go well.  I didn't really sleep.  I think I fell asleep around midnight and I was up around 1 with Kiera.  Then 5:30 to workout.  My body wasn't ready for it.  I stretched, no issues there.  I was attempting to do cardio (P90 Disc 1 - cardio).  When it came time for jumping jacks, running in place, run lunges - I felt my lungs start to hurt with the jumping jacks because I was breathing hard and forcing myself to push through it.  I brought the pace down for the running in place.  Then came time for run lunges.  When I first started them I felt my back tighten up a little from the center of my back to all extremeties.  It took me back for a second, I took a 15 second break and then tried again and then it did it again, but it hurt more.  At that point I decided to listen to my body and not continue.  It is clear my body was not up for this workout.  It is tired, sore, I'm fighting off a cold (thanks kids!).  I'm pretty miserable actually - missing these workouts are not helping me.  There is currently no pressure at work (boss is on vacation) but lots of pressure at home.  The big party is next week and the house isn't even close to ready.  NOT EVEN CLOSE!.  Just frustrating I guess.  

OK - ending this post.  I wanted to make a concious effort to post and I did that.  Moving on.

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