Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10th 2014...

Well I'm rapidly finishing up wk 3 of P90x3.  I've got 1 more "workout" and a stretch and then I'm on to my recovery week.  I'm looking forward to the change in routine... that is for damn sure.

This week, I don't know what it is.... I've been in a real funk.  I know I started the week off bad knowing that I had gained 10lbs back.  That will definitely fuck with you mentally.  It messes with you because you put in SO much effort to get rid of it and have a week or two of bad choices (working out or not) and BAM..  there is some of that work undone.  I was definitely discouraged.  What can you do?  Pity yourself and keep saying "woe is me" without doing anything to help yourself and get yourself out of that place?  Or you can take a step back and figure out how to get your head in the game and overcome whatever is in your way now.

I did the second option in case you were wondering.  I decided my first step was to get rid of those 10lbs that I gained back so I could put my focus on my target of 170lbs.  What could I do differently to help me get there?  What am I doing now that maybe is interfering with me reaching those goals.  My wife said - make it simple, just pick one thing and focus just on that one thing.  Well I already do that.  I get up and workout.  Oh, you meant one OTHER thing.  Ahhhhh....  well I picked a few different things.  No alcohol, no processed food and tracking what I eat daily.  I can tell you that is actually a lot of things.  Its not difficult to track your food.  Its tedious.  It does kind of hold you accountable, if you let it.  As I had thought all along, it does also suck.  No one wants to be told you can or cannot do something.  If I want to sit and eat a bag of damn Fritos and wash it down with beer then why can't I?  I totally can.  Its just not as important as the bigger picture.  I'll have you know its been 9 days since I looked at the scale and saw 183lbs.  This morning I woke up and it said 173.8lbs.  A pound a day.  Crazy, right?  Healthy?  I have no idea.  I'm eating all healthy foods.  I do get hungry and I eat more.  However I'm more mindful of what I'm eating and when I'm eating.  No more late night snacks (like I actually stay up late.  HA)

As we know the eating is the big part of it.  Really big part of it.  You can't out exercise a poor diet.  You just can't.  Trust me, I've tried.  Exercise will only get you so far.  Give it a try, you'll look like a circus freak.  Strong muscular arms, legs and this big old buddah belly.  Attractive isn't it?  Tony Horton thinks that calves are the most beautiful/attractive part of a persons body (quote from Power90 when he says "you know, there is nothing better than a nicely shaped calf).  Well guess what, I think its abs.  I want them.  At this point I'm not sure if I'm disciplined enough to do all the right things to get them, but I'm going to find out.  Eating right, after eating poorly for so long isn't easy.  It is difficult and does take discipline.  For all those that can do it day in and day out without a second thought, I give you a ton of credit.  There are times I do want to go back and sit my ass in front of the TV, open a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and wash it down with Mtn Dew (or beer, no love for the soda - still plenty of love for the beer).  Somehow I still manage not to do that though.

The other part of the equation is getting off your ass and getting moving.  Help your body burn those calories and all that fat that has been stored up in your inactive body.  That is something that I actually didn't have an issue with.  That was something I was pretty good at.  4:55AM the alarm goes off, I get up, grab my phone and my shorts and head downstairs.  Stop in the bathroom and take a quick pee, wash my hands, put on my shorts and grab my water from the fridge as I head down to the basement to workout.  I'd power everything on downstairs and just get right to it.  Right now I'm struggling with that.  I don't know why.  I just don't know why.  Certainly I'm still getting up and doing it, but I'm struggling with that process and its hurting me.  Not as much as it would if I didn't do it, but it is still hurting me.  I'm not getting as much out as I could.  Then again, as I type this... work isn't getting as much out of me as they could either.  lol Whatever.

This month I added in the Spartan 30 day burpee challenge to my routine (30 burpees per day for 30 days).  Maybe that's contributing.  I don't know.  I just know mentally right now I'm really struggling to get up, get out of bed and get my shit done.  This past week I've been getting up, going downstairs and just kind of sitting there on my phone and surfing a little bit before I even get started.  Next thing you know its 5:20, I've been up for almost a half hour and haven't done shit.  Dumb.  I've got to fight through that.  At this point I'm hoping a change in the routine will help that.  Obviously I want to get as much as I can out of this routine and use it to get as close to my fitness goals as possible.  I'm just not doing that right now for whatever reason.  Again - next week is a change in the workout routine, so hopefully that helps invigorate me.  Recovery week is only 1 week and then you move onto "Block 2" which I'll do for 3 weeks before another recovery week.  I only made it to day 78 when I did P90X and again, that was almost 2 yrs ago.  Without question I put in more than 78 days with T25, I don't know why its so hard with Tony Horton.  He's not a bad guy.  lol  Maybe I just need a little break.  Not necessarily a physical one, but a mental one.  A day where I wake up and don't worry about when I'm getting my workout in and what I'm doing.  I don't know, but I do know I need to figure it out and not let this mind-fart derail me.

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