Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Transition Week" Block 1

This week is transition week.  So the 4th week of every block of P90X (1, 2 & 3) is called "recovery" or "transition" week.  I'm really liking it.  I did Isometrix on Monday and I sweat and worked my ass off and never lifted a weight.  As Tony says, it's all the hardest parts of Yoga without the flow.  Yeah - I see that now.

This morning was Dynamix.  I've done it before and I'll do it again.  This morning for whatever reason my focus was really good and I was really really strong with the moves (I thought).  At the end it was a really good sweat.  

My typical go to breakfast is 2 large cage free eggs cooked in 1/2 tspn of coconut oil with 2 pieces of nitrate free, uncured bacon.  This morning I think I slightly under cooked one of those eggs.  I get completely grossed out by the texture of an under cooked egg.  The uncooked white.  YUCK.  Raw eggs are vomitous.  Time to switch up the breakfast I think and instead I'll mix the eggs together and cook with some sauteed baby spinach.  Greens are so yummy.  Then add some salsa to spice things up.  :)

This week is my "on call" week.  Meaning I work nights from 5PM until 1AM Monday through Friday.  Friday night at 5AM I am the only person on call until Monday morning at 1AM.  That weekend will kill you if you let it.  It can be tough tough tough.  The reason why I mention this schedule here is because during this week I would typically struggle with my eating.  I would indulge in processed foods of all shapes and sizes.  Probably struggle with my water a bit more than I should.  Plus being up late doesn't really help me with my normal "get up early and get it done" workout schedule.  Again, I struggle.  After dropping the kids off I typically head right back to bed and get a nap in.  It's definitely a challenge for me and I recognize that.  I'm working on it and just focusing on my food consumption and water, water and more water.

My wife just started her new diet from her nutritionists.  It is for all intents and purposes at best a 1000 cal a day diet.  They say its healthy but if she should stray off course she could land in the hospital with pancreatitous (no, I don't know how to spell it - sound it out jack ass).  Does that sound healthy to me?  No.  Do I agree with it?  Not entirely, but I do agree something drastic is needed to shock her mind and shock her system.  She will essentially be doing this for the next 8 weeks.  During which time she can have ZERO alcohol.  Her primary nutrients will be in liquid shakes.  She can have a few ounces of lean protein with some veggies every day, which is good - because you need real food.  I'm here to support her in this venture in any way I can.  This means I also make sacrifices with my eating and drinking, so be it.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  I need her healthy.  This will hopefully help get her to the healthy weight she needs to be so she can have the hip replacement surgery she needs.  

Those eight weeks should bring me pretty much to the end of P90x3.  I look forward to the journey and seeing what my body will look like and how it feels.  I don't have a six pack.  8 weeks from now I don't expect to have one either.  I'm OK with that.  As long as I continue to make strides in the right direction then I'm OK with it.  I get stronger every single day and push myself every single morning.  My body is toning and getting stronger, all good things.  

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