Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday.... not such a good day

So I struggled.  It was very snowy, shitty and even though I didn't have to get up and go to work (work from home day) I still had to get up and clear the snow so my wife could go to work.  Knowing I didn't have to get up and drive into work I decided I would take an extra hour to myself and sleep.  So instead of getting up at 4:55, I set the alarm for 5:55.  What I did was set my day up for failure.

I cleared snow until almost 7:30 and I had to be logged into work for 8AM.  What does that mean??  No morning workout.  I spent most of my day angry and I ate my way through that anger.  First a whole bag of buffalo flavored pub fries, then followed that up with a 14" tall gingerbread man cookie and I'm sure there was some other crap in the mix there as well.  I was pretty much angry the whole day.

After I got dinner ready (which I had a shit ton of veggies and a tiny piece of fish) I went and did my scheduled Yoga workout and of course my burpees.  I was a little disappointed in myself for letting me get into emotional eating, but I know I could have been far worse.  I also know that I burned some of those calories off snowblowing in the morning.  Did I burn the 1000 calories that were in that fucking gingerbread man cookie?  Probably not.  I just know it could have been worse.

What this reminded me of was basically I am a creature of habit and I don't like my routine fucked with.  My shit gets messed up and I get pissed.  Right or wrong I get pissed.  I've been fully back on track today and I plan to stay that way.  Saturday is Amelia's bday and I'm very much looking forward to proudly celebrating her birthday.  She's an amazing young girl and I'm reminded of that more and more each day.  On top of that I get pizza.  :)  Next weigh in Sunday.

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