Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 15/16

It wasn't easy but I got up and did my workout both yesterday and today.  I've done a pretty good job of avoiding snacking, beer and all things yummy.  lol 

I continue to use the heart rate monitor as a gauge and try to pick up the pace when I see it get a little low.  I was hoping because my eating habits have changed for the better (what I think anyway) that this fat would just melt right off me.  lol  Yeah, it's been 4 days.... not 4 months.  lol  I have to remind myself of that. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14 (restart - strength)

Got up this morning after a pretty crappy night sleep (thanks Quinn aka super pooch).  Took the dog for a very brief 15 minute walk and the dog refused to go any further.  Brought her home, fed her and went downstairs to do a Power90 Strength workout (Level 3- 4).  My how I have fallen. 

The workout was TOUGH.  I struggled in all elements of it.  For simplicity I tried to just use the RED resistance bands I used the first time I ever did the workout.  The issue is it doesn't work very well for certain exercises.  In addition to that, I have some weak wrists.  I've been able to get by that in the past by using the push up bars.  They've worked well.  I still struggled.  Especially my left wrist where I was wearing the heart rate monitor watch.  I may have to just leave that off when I'm doing strength because I found it getting in the way when I did bicep exercises as well. 

Lunge/Squat combos - still a killer.  VERY tough for me.  My legs (or the rest of my body for that matter) just isn't as strong as it used to be.  I SUCKED.  I'll do better next time though.  At least I got up and did something, which is half the battle.  Just a reminder that I just have to do it.  I just have to get up and do something or forever feel weak.

Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13 (restart - cardio)

Today I got up and did Power90 Cardio level 3-4.  I actually wore my heart rate monitor and I kept my heart rate between 120bpm and it peaked around 166bpm.  According to the Mayo clinic's heart rate calculator for someone my age my range should be 126bpm - 153bpm.  I'll have to adjust the hrm tomorrow. 

I have not been working out.  I have completely slacked.  It wouldn't be the end of the world if I had been doing a better job of eating.  Breakfast, lunches & dinners we are actually good.  We have eliminated so many processed foods out of our regular meals.  Our problem has been night time snacking and alcohol consumption.  Nearly nightly we were sitting down, watching TV, snacking on processed food (chips, Taquitos, etc...) and either beer or wine.  Bad habits.  It has led to me getting soft, losing muscle and gaining weight.  I've gained 10 lbs and up to 191lbs.

Where am I going with it?  I have no idea.  I'm trying.  Just trying.  I've got to get up tomorrow and give the dog a walk, but maybe when I'm done (if there is time) I'll follow it up with Power90 Strength level 3-4.  It's a good workout and honestly I have to work myself back up to the fitness level to do P90X.

OK - that is all.

If you get the chance, check out these great sites for their recipes.  Awesome stuff.  Pretty healthy.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th

Well to say the past few months have been inconsistent would be an understatement.  I guess the only positives are 1) I know how to fix that and 2) I have the power to fix it.

My body is not looking as good as it was say 4 months ago.  Even though I'm only up a few lbs (currently about 186lbs) I can see & feel the difference.  It's not good.

I started P90X again from the beginning last week.  Got 3 days  into it and got side tracked.  I still kept myself active on the days I didn't do P90X, but it certainly wasn't structured workouts like P90X. 

This week I've been 2 for 2 on my workouts, which is good.  Both last week and this week I surprised myself and made it all the way through Plyometrics.  That workout is definitely the most difficult for me.  Especially when I start it at 4:30AM.  The alternative to that is to do CardioX and I'll be honest... that workout is weak and not nearly as heart pumping has Plyo. 

Tomorrow is shoulders & arms.  I'm a guy.  I like that workout.  It get's my arms pumped up and makes me feel strong.  lol  Yeah, who cares how big your arms look when you are fat or your belly looks fat?  I know I know.  Either way - it is still a workout and still moving in the right direction. 

We'll see how far I can take this thing this time.  Hopefully the full 90.  Last time I got to 75 days and then life just got too busy.  We'll give it another shot.  I have a follow up with my Dr in October when I have to actually get bloodwork done.  I haven't had that done in a couple years.  Technically I'm supposed to be on medication for high cholesterol.  I stopped taking that medication some time ago.  I'd like to prove I don't need medication to manage my health.  I'm 40 and I shouldn't need to.  It's all under my control.

Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9

OK - seriously I suck. I've been inconsistent with workouts since early in February. My weight has gone back up to about 188lbs. I feel fat again. My size 34 waist pants that I worked so hard to get back into, are tight again.

Last week I buckled down and really felt like I turned a corner and got myself back on track with the workouts. I made sure I got up and did my workout. When it came time to do it, I embraced it and gave it my all. I thought that this week would be another stepping stone towards rebuilding that consistency I once had.

Flashback to Saturday. The stupid non-starting, gas powered weedwhacker. Pull after pull after pull after damn pull. Could not keep the f%ng thing running. End result? I pulled a muscle in my back. I've been resting it since Saturday afternoon and just taking Advil to off-set the discomfort. It sucks. I'm not letting it hold me back though. Instead, I'm using that time to take care of my body in a different way. I'm focusing more on my intake.

I've been reading a little bit and one book I found extremely intriguing was from author Tim Ferriss and the 4 hour body.
I've completed my reading of this book and although still kind of skeptical, you can't discount results. The question though becomes... how healthy is it? Which leads me to the next book I'm currently reading... The Primal Blue Print: 21 Day Total Body Transormation:
I've only started to read this book. It certainly sounds like it follows some of the more basic principles and guidelines listed in Tim's book.

The basics of both books are this: Don't overeat. Don't drink your calories. When you eat, keep to the basics. Eliminating carbs & sugars. It makes sense. They certainly have enough success stories to prove their point. Seems healthy. Why not give it a shot??

Today is my first day. This morning I made a "Primal Omelet" for breakfast. 3 eggs, bell peppers, mushrooms, crumbled bacon, baby spinach. Delicious! Lunch: "Primal Salad". Romain lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, grilled chicken and a little light Caesar dressing. Delicious as well. Problem? Still hungry. Not enough protein. This morning I put about 1 1/2 scoops of whey protein in a blender bottle and filled it with cold water. So far that has been off-setting the hunger. Tomorrow though I've got to make my salad & omelets bigger though. lol Tonight, steak & veggies. So far my only mistake has been not stepping on the scale this morning. lol I can deal with that though. I'll check it out later and then circle back in a week. Although I'm expecting my pants to be the true judge of how well this is working.

Wish me luck!

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19

OK - well I've been fatter.... but I still don't feel great about myself right now. lol

Weight as of this morning: 187.6lbs (OUCH!!!)

I can wrap up the last 7 weeks with a few short words. Slack-a-dasical, non-committed, injured (for a couple weeks) and lazy. OK - I think that wraps that up. No excuses. I'm still down 15lbs from when I started, but let's face it... when you were down over 20lbs, this kinda sucks.

The wife and I have both strayed. We have lost some of that motivation and commitment, which sucks because we were going strong for a good 6 mos or so. We have had some bad habits creep back into our lives that we need to stop. Like alcohol during the week and snacking after the kids go to bed. Basically just shooting ourselves in the foot.

So we decided this past weekend we are basically just going to try and keep it simple. Fake it until we make it. During the week we'll do our best to eat well and just drink water. Eliminate alcohol & snacking. Just keep getting up at 4:30AM and doing our workouts. Need to get back into the rhythm that was making us so successful. Let's face it you both don't lose over 20lbs each by doing stupid things. Nope. It takes the perfect combination of being fat and doing some of the right things. lol We still have the first part, but need to work our way back with the 2nd. lol

OK - well time to wrap this up. I've got Plyometrics tomorrow morning. They suck and I am not a huge fan, but I won't deny it is a phenomenal cardio workout. Need to rest up and see if I can push myself and get the most out of the workout.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31st

Impromptu weigh in this morning.

Weight: 182.6lbs.

Deal? HUGE. This puts me at the 20lb mark for weight lost for this particular adventure. I'm pretty pumped by that.

Over the weekend we got a new (used) bedroom set and while moving/organizing my clothes (FINALLY) I was able to weed out so much stuff. Everything that I setup was Lge for shirts and waist size 34 for pants. Gone where my XLs and 36s. I'm finally at the point where I am comfortable that those sizes will not be needed at any future time in my life. I mean, at this point Christie and I have been working out for 6 months. It hasn't been an easy 20 lbs to lose and I'm sure the next 10 I need to lose won't be easy either... but it's always the hard accomplishments that are the most rewarding.

Fitness: I'm now in the 3rd and final phase of P90X. I know I can do it because the 3rd phase is just a combination of the first two phases I've already done. One thing working against me is my brother's basement and me insisting I do so many things vs having anyone else doing them. That's my own issue though. lol That project is taking up my nights and work taking up the days. It'll be difficult to keep on my 4:30AM wake-up/workout schedule, but I'm going to do my best. For the record though.... after not falling asleep until about midnight last night I made the choice to skip Plyometrics this morning.

I'm officially 6 weeks from turning 40 (not that the number bothers me). I'm feeling a lot better about myself and I know I'm looking pretty good. Especially compared to my prior fitness level. I'm going to do my best to finish this final round of P90X strong and then go at it again, harder. Why not? Just keep doing it until you don't like it or it stops motivating you. I can see gains in strength from doing this. I can see exercises I couldn't do before, I can now do some of. I can see improvement in my form across ALL exercises. It's only been a 60 day adventure for this one and I've only lost about 8 or 9 lbs in that 60 days but think of my old lifestyle and the alternative.... well, this is much better. :)

There is no question I could be lighter and fitter if I even remotely tried to stick with the P90X nutrition guide. I'll be honest, I haven't. On the weekend all the rules go out the window. lol I don't eat like a pig the whole day on both days, but I do definitely indulge. I'll sit there and eat a bag of chips and wash it down with a Mtn Dew or have beer and pizza (both are my favorite combinations). I've had a beer (at least 1) now for 5 straight days (Ipswich Oatmeal Stout sucks though.. just an FYI). I still make sure though I get my ass up and do my workout. I work it off. Get my body in the right mindset, even if my mind isn't. lol It's working. It's working because I'm finding a way to work it into my life in a way that it works for me (as my wife has always told me we needed to do). No complaints.

Hopefully in 30 days from now my fitness level will be good enough that I'm comfortable posting day 90 pics of myself, however if it isn't... well, just wait longer! I'll get there. I'm expecting to dress a lot more accordingly this spring/summer and show off just how fit I've become.

On a final note - a HUGE thank you to my incredible wife. She does ALL the food shopping, meal planning, cooking and she is the reason we don't have frozen pizza every night. lol She is usually good at convincing me I should be drinking water with my meal instead of beer (not so much lately though). Although she picks probably the worst possible time to snack (8 or 8:30PM), she still keeps us on track. For that, I'm extremely grateful. She motivates me, inspires me with her tremendous work ethic and works with me to insure I can do what I feel I need to do to be successful in all walks of life. She continues to kick ass on our fitness journey as well and I'm so very proud of her for it. Congrats hun. I've finally caught up to you with the 20lb loss mark, let's go get the next 10!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26th

OK - this is the weight I got when I took it back on January 21st. I just suck at posting/updating.

184.6lbs. I guess at this point about 18lbs down from my starting weight. SLOOOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLLLLYYYYYYY approaching my goal weight. I could actually help myself by making some better food/beverage choices... but at the same time I'm trying to fit fitness/health into my life, not make it my life.

Until the 28th when I hopefully remember to update. lol

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12 2012

Technically my weekly weigh in isn't until Saturday. However I was not down as far as I had expected last week, so I wanted to just take kind of a "mid week" looksie to see where I was at. I'm 184.6lbs after my yoga workout this morning. Pretty F-ing sweet. I think that is nearly 3lbs down from last week and again.... continuing to get lower than I have been in many years. Just gotta stay focused. Tomorrow is a not so pleasant legs (ugh) and back workout. Saturday morning is Kenpo cardio then weigh in. Let's see if we can continue with the good habits and bring it down a little more!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 7th 2012

Happy New Year!
Weight: 186.6lbs
Buckle down on eating? So far - no good. lol Monday yielded Papa Ginos pizza and soda. Followed by a appetizer sampler platter all for myself with a few beers. Let's fast forward to yesterday when I had McDonalds (can you say fucking GROSS). Even though I only had a chicken sandwich and fries with a water I could feel my body's reaction. It was getting instantly bloated, retaining water, the arteries were hardening. I'd rather eat bad food made right than fast food.

Anyway - next week is another week. This week saw me doing my first week of P90X Phase 2. I'm STILL feeling the back & bicep workout (which was 4 days ago). I did legs and back yesterday. It's going well. I'm stronger, but still lots of room for improvement.

Until next week. Later.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

December 31 2011

Just completed my first month of P90X. So far so good. Down to 187.4lbs. Feel pretty good overall. Just gotta buckle down on my eating and I should be able to get to my goals.