Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28

Power90 3-4 Strength: 38 minutes. I did once again eat a rice cake with PB on it before my workout.

Let me start by saying since I started backup on my fitness/health journey I have had knee pain.  My knees hurt.  I have lacked strength in them and even something as simple as walking up the stairs (or running, like I would typically do) I've had to clutch the railing and wince as I go up.  Clearly an area I needed to improve on.  I did some research yesterday at lunch and found some simple knee exercises I could do ANYWHERE, so long as I had a seat.  It doesn't require weights and it helps strengthen up all the tiny muscles around the knee to help stabilize it.  I did that last night before we headed to bed.  When we walked up to bed my knees felt fantastic.  Actually when standing I had a little bit of the shakiness in my legs like I had just had a great sex session, but sadly that wasn't the case.  Still a sack full of sperm.

Anywho - this morning 's workout was going great.  I was pushing further than I had the last workout during round 1.  Final exercise in every round is legs.  Round 1 is 5 sets of lunges.  I was feeling great and the knees were feeling strong and I got cocky.  Halfway through round 3 I didn't focus on my form and rushed it and sharp pain to my right knee.  I tried to push ahead but I couldn't lunge to my right leg, I couldn't push off of it.  Bummed?  Yeah.  I immediately started to think about the rest of my workout and how I could work around that.  I don't like working my legs.  I just don't, but I know its necessary, so I do it.  The next time it came time to do legs I sat on the bench downstairs and did my knee exercises for as long as it took Tony and crew to complete their lunge/squat sequence (about 4 minutes).  That really helped me It really really did.  When it came time for round 3 (3 part squats) and round 4 (max squats) I was able to complete those rounds and finish strong doing the exercises I was supposed to without issues.

Aside from the legs, the rest of my body is definitely getting stronger.  Chest - well I'm increasing how many pushups I do each workout so that is good.  Wrists, I didn't even need my pushup bars today to take the pressure off my wrists, so clearly they are stronger.  Back - yeah, I have to up the weight next time.  Biceps - no question I'm getting more reps with a higher weight.  Shoulders - tough, really tough.  I'm trying to really focus on this area with my form to insure I feel it, so I'm not pushing the weight too much.  Triceps, well again, I'm focusing on form (as I am with all exercises) and going slow with tricep exercises, but its going well.  DIPS - I kill them.  20?  Yeah - no issues there.  Oh you don't want me to do bent knees and make sure I go all the way down and extend my arms all the way up.  Yeah - I got that.  Overall I'm feeling stronger and already I see a change in my body.  I feel good.  Just have to keep up the work.  Tomorrow is another day and it's Cardio with Abs. Right now though its time to wake up kids and get everyone ready.  Oy.

OK - between my shoulders are really sore and tight.  I worked something good today. :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 27

Power90 3-4 Cardio + TH200 abs.  Another day, another success story.  What makes today a success?  The fact that I got up and did it.  I'm not where I want to be, or need to be yet, but I got up and gave it a shot.  Made a conscious effort to push myself and do the best I could. 

[Notes - got at least 7 hrs sleep last night (YES!) and did eat before the workout (rice cake + pb)]

Today I was definitely stronger.  There were no breaks taken by me.  I just kept going.  The only break I had was the 30 second break Tony allots you.  I was OK with it.  I did the run lunges.  I found out quickly that if I brought my left leg too far forward while doing it then that was when my left knee hurt.  So I made adjustments.  I did it as "high impact" I guess.  Same with the cross hops.  I was strong enough today to do it the way they do it.  Its a good step forward.  My right knee didn't bother me until I was on my last round of punches (jab/cross).  When you go to pivot your hip I tend to twist the front leg's knee.  It doesn't seem to be as much of an issue for the left one as it does the right.  I could feel it in the right knee as I was walking up the stairs after my workout.  It is definitely weak and needs some individual attention. I'll have to research that a bit more. 

Abs - well I am just not strong enough to do 200 reps yet.  I'd imagine that I did over 100, pretty confident in saying that.  Again I sucked doing the Supermans, bicycles were not my strong point either.  I still put forth effort.  One thing that did hold me back though was the need to poop.  I wasn't stopping and going back to my workout after that, so I took breaks when I thought I was pushing my stomach too much to the point where I would have to rush for the bathroom.  Don't judge. 

Christie got up and worked out again today too.  Unlike Monday & Tuesday where she sprung out of bed and I kind of felt guilty and got out of bed after her, it was a role reversal today.  I'm proud of her though, she got up and did it.  One thing that I definitely missed and enjoyed was when she finished her workout and headed upstairs, we congratulated each other for our efforts.  I had missed that.  We did it all the time when we were successful.  It takes a lot to get up and just do it before you have to take on your day, but we do it.  We can continue to do it.  Its just nice to have someone by your side committed to doing it, not just for their own success but for yours as well. 

Still no "official" pictures or measurements, maybe tonight.  We'll see.  Baby Cole was born last night so we gotta make sure we go see him first.  :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26

Power90 3-4 Strength.  I feel I did better with this working than I did on Saturday.  Although on some exercises I don't think my reps count went up, I do feel that I was stronger on the exercises and my form was better.  It definitely seemed as though I was a little slower, or off pace with the instructors.  Lunge/Squats as a good example.  Lunge right leg forward, squat 5 times, then lunge left leg forward, now turn around and repeat...wait... those guys are already starting to squat again.  DAMN IT!  I don't like lunge/squats.  I never have.  However I used to be much stronger when doing them.  This particular exercise I think I might have done better on Saturday than I did today.  Either way, I sucked it up and did it today. 

Before I worked out this morning I ate a rice cake that had a thin layer of Natural peanut butter on it.  I had never done that.  It was still kind of light (airy I guess you could say) but it was something in my stomach.  During the lower back extensions (laying on your belly and bringing your arms and legs off the floor like you are flying like Superman) I could definitely feel like something was in my stomach.  I didn't want to hurl, but I also wasn't comfortable.  That will take some getting used to.  I guess its good I still have another 11 rice cakes in the package. 

So I did the whole workout.  All 38 minutes.  I did pause it for an extra 10 seconds when I got the 30 second towel/water break in the middle of the workout.  I also took a little bit of a break right before the 3 part squats (3 different squat exercises, each one for 12 reps).  Other than that I felt strong.  You'd never know it because my body is pretty shaky right now, but I felt pretty strong.  My right knee is really the only thing that feels kind of weak.  I need to focus on that.  I can feel the muscles around my left knee and feel it working during all the lunges, squats, etc... Not so much on the right knee, I don't believe I'm favoring it - but I don't get the same feeling with it that I do in the left.  Just something to focus on. 

Nutrition - lets talk about that.  I'm feeling pretty good.  Obviously during the week its busy and I like the way I eat/drink during the week.  I'm great with my water consumption (already 30 oz this morning).  My food choices aren't bad ones.  I'm not all fruits and veggies, but I'm also not feasting on brownies and ice cream (that was Sunday.  lol)  Weekend I have my struggles.  All I can do is take it one meal at a time and try and make the best choice available to me at the time of that meal.  The weight isn't going to come off if I don't.  I really want the weight off and to have a good strong body again. 

I did take a couple of pics this morning after my workout because I don't know if Christie and I will be doing our initial pics and measurements tonight.  I'm going to push for it, but there is no guarantee.  Its a little misleading because after a workout your body doesn't exactly (nor should it) look the same as before the workout.  Either way - its a point of reference and nowhere near where I want to be.   OK - off to the showers.

Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25

This morning was supposed to be P90X, the start of my 90 day journey.  Well it would have been nice to start that, but I didn't.  I wasn't ready for it and I know that.  Especially after Saturday's strength workout.  Saturday, Sunday and even this morning was really frustrating for me because I did to myself what I keep saying I won't do.  Every time I get into a workout rhythm and get past the initial soreness (which really sucks to get through) I tell myself I'm going to be dedicated and never go through that again.  Any ideas what I'm going through right now?  Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Saturday.  Sorry - Office Space got me off track.  So I'm working my way through soreness and I'm currently walking like the new guy in cell block 9. 

Anywho - I got up and did Power90 3-4 Cardio and I did the TH200 Ab workout.  The cardio workout is 42 minutes long and the ab workout is another 6 minutes.  There were definitely moments I struggled in the cardio workout.  Run lunges, well my knees were killing me so those were more like a combo of run lunges and walk lunges to take the impact out of them.  When it came for cross hops it was totally fast walk hops.  Again, my knees weren't up for it so I had to, just had to take the impact out of it.  I did them as fast as I could without jumping back and forth.  The kicking and punching section weren't too bad.  Again I ran out of gas a little at the end, but I did it.  I did ALL of it.  I think I stopped maybe once, but then got right back in it.  I just may not have been as fast as the instructors... yet. 

Abs - whole other issue.  I always start off strong.  For those that don't know the TH200 is essentially 10 different ab isolation exercises and you do each one for 20 reps (10 x 20 = 200, got it?)  I did the standard crunches, the side crunches, the ones when you bring your head to your knees, well that one I struggled and got maybe 10 done.  After that is the ones where you have your legs (as straight as you can make them) straight up in the air and you try and touch your toes.  Have I mentioned that I've lost flexibility?  WTF makes Tony think I can do that now?  I got maybe 2 of those.  Moved onto "in and outs" and did fairly well with those.  Hip Rockers are very similar and I did pretty well with those.  Bicycles were after that and I typically suck with that and only get about 10 reps, today was no exception.  Last - full body crunch.  I don't even know how many I got.  More than 5 but less than 15.  After that it was some more glorious stretching. 

Tomorrow.... Power90 3-4 Strength.  It's only 38 minutes, but certain to kick my ass until I get into better shape.  Tomorrow is another step.  Oh and today is my 3rd straight day with no soda or caffeine.  3 out of the last 4 days I've drank at least a gallon of water (about 130 oz or so).  Sunday was the only exception and I believe I drank somewhere around 70 or 80 oz.  Still not too bad. 

OK - signing off and off to bed.  Keep pushing play.

February 24

Thankfully my wife pushed me and didn't allow me to make excuses today.  She instead gave me every opportunity to succeed and complete this workout.  I was really sore from my Power90 3-4 Strength workout on Saturday and Sunday I would like to reserve for stretch days to work on my flexibility and really get my muscles in a good position before I start my next week of workouts and kicking the shit out of them.  So, that is what I did.  P90X X Stretch.  It's 58 minutes of stretching each and every muscle you have in your body. 

It was not an easy workout.  It really pushes you and some of the positions are really difficult.  For me it is amazing to see how much flexibility I have lost.  It gives me yet another thing to work towards, not that I have a shortage of that.  No matter what though I never feel discouraged after I do this workout.  I always feel refreshed and way more open & relaxed then when I started. I guess that is the point of it (DUH).  It just makes me kick myself for not doing this workout back when I did P90X originally.  I always thought that spending an hour for stretching... STRETCHING was ridiculous.  Here is where you apply the age old saying "don't knock it until you try it".  Yup, age old advice from the guy that was 'hankerin for a hunk-o-cheese Yahoo.  With that.... I leave you my mentor and inspirational leader.  Let his age old advice live on forever.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23

Well for the first time in probably like a year I did Power90 3-4 strength.  I struggled mightily.  Far too fatigued at the end. 

I started off great.  Did 15 decline push-ups.  Moved right on and was using 15 - 20 lb dumbbells for everything.  Felt really good.  Even did the 5 sets of lunges with no issue.  Round 2... different story.  Still did good with the strength stuff.  Even did the 5 sets of lunges with 5 squats for every 1/2 lung rep without much issue.  Finished fairly strong with the (3) sets of 12 squats at the end of round 2.  Round 3 I was seriously sucking wind.  So funny that my heart rate goes up more during this workout than it does doing cardio.  Whatever.  I took a couple breaks during round 3.  I was still able to do wide-try-die push-ups.  No problems doing 20 dips.  Again, the rest of the round I pushed through and did the best I could but I did had to take a couple of breaks cause I was so winded.  Round 4 - why must there be 4 rounds??  More push-ups, more squats, calf raises... REALLY??  My calves were ready to explode before I even started this workout.  When I got to the end... the last 2 exercises I had nothing in the tank and my heart was racing.  Max push-ups 5.  lol  Max squats 1.  I was afraid if I went down for another squat I wouldn't come back up.  lol 

My legs are exhausted, I'm shaky but I'm done.  It wasn't my best performance, but it was a step in the right direction.  I'd like to thank my wife for INSISTING on watching the girls while I went and worked out.  She relaxed in front of Wreck-It Ralph with a bag of Cheetos.  Somehow.... I won?  lol

Friday, February 22, 2013

February 22

Got up and did Power90 Cardio level 3-4.  It's 42 minutes long.  Pretty good workout.  I made it through Power Yoga as well, without using the push up bars for my flaky wrists.  Unfortunately I did not do the TH200 ab workout that immediately followed it as I had to go to the bathroom and simply ran out of time.  I'll do those tonight before I put the kids to bed.

One thing I did different this morning was eat a Quaker Choc Chip granola bar (not exactly healthy) before I started.  I just wanted to have something in my stomach before I start working out.  I've read over and over and over that you want to eat something or have something in your stomach before you start.  Something preferably high in protein.  I've never eaten before I worked out.  I typically just get up and workout, so this is a change.  I'm going to try some different stuff going forward.  Maybe some rice cakes with Natural peanut butter spread on it.  Not sure.  I just know I need to jumpstart my metabolism and get it in fat burning mode. I'd like to see some great results (again).

Just to try and complete this post with as much detail for reference as possible.... I did get fatigued at the end of the workout.  Pretty fatigued.  I still pushed forward and didn't stop at all for breaks, but my arms & legs were pretty tired.  I did not wear my heart rate monitor today, but will be when I start up on P90X again.  This was the first time I've done this workout in about 3 wks, so I'm pretty good with how it turned out.

Onward and forward.  Tomorrow I need to do Power90 Strength level 3-4.  I haven't done that one in over a year (I think).  Sunday I'm going to do the P90X fit test and HOPEFULLY X Stretch.  If mother nature cooperates I won't be shoveling or snowblowing.  I don't think that bitch is going to cooperate though.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21

Got up this morning and did P90X - X Stretch.  Amazing to see how much flexibility I have lost in the past year.  The stretch felt FANTASTIC though.  Tomorrow I think I'm doing a cardio workout.  Probably Power90 3-4.  Should end up being about a 45 minute workout.  Saturday Power90 3-4 Strength.  Sunday my P90X Fit Test.

Let's DO IT!