Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 27

Power90 3-4 Cardio + TH200 abs.  Another day, another success story.  What makes today a success?  The fact that I got up and did it.  I'm not where I want to be, or need to be yet, but I got up and gave it a shot.  Made a conscious effort to push myself and do the best I could. 

[Notes - got at least 7 hrs sleep last night (YES!) and did eat before the workout (rice cake + pb)]

Today I was definitely stronger.  There were no breaks taken by me.  I just kept going.  The only break I had was the 30 second break Tony allots you.  I was OK with it.  I did the run lunges.  I found out quickly that if I brought my left leg too far forward while doing it then that was when my left knee hurt.  So I made adjustments.  I did it as "high impact" I guess.  Same with the cross hops.  I was strong enough today to do it the way they do it.  Its a good step forward.  My right knee didn't bother me until I was on my last round of punches (jab/cross).  When you go to pivot your hip I tend to twist the front leg's knee.  It doesn't seem to be as much of an issue for the left one as it does the right.  I could feel it in the right knee as I was walking up the stairs after my workout.  It is definitely weak and needs some individual attention. I'll have to research that a bit more. 

Abs - well I am just not strong enough to do 200 reps yet.  I'd imagine that I did over 100, pretty confident in saying that.  Again I sucked doing the Supermans, bicycles were not my strong point either.  I still put forth effort.  One thing that did hold me back though was the need to poop.  I wasn't stopping and going back to my workout after that, so I took breaks when I thought I was pushing my stomach too much to the point where I would have to rush for the bathroom.  Don't judge. 

Christie got up and worked out again today too.  Unlike Monday & Tuesday where she sprung out of bed and I kind of felt guilty and got out of bed after her, it was a role reversal today.  I'm proud of her though, she got up and did it.  One thing that I definitely missed and enjoyed was when she finished her workout and headed upstairs, we congratulated each other for our efforts.  I had missed that.  We did it all the time when we were successful.  It takes a lot to get up and just do it before you have to take on your day, but we do it.  We can continue to do it.  Its just nice to have someone by your side committed to doing it, not just for their own success but for yours as well. 

Still no "official" pictures or measurements, maybe tonight.  We'll see.  Baby Cole was born last night so we gotta make sure we go see him first.  :)

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