Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25

This morning was supposed to be P90X, the start of my 90 day journey.  Well it would have been nice to start that, but I didn't.  I wasn't ready for it and I know that.  Especially after Saturday's strength workout.  Saturday, Sunday and even this morning was really frustrating for me because I did to myself what I keep saying I won't do.  Every time I get into a workout rhythm and get past the initial soreness (which really sucks to get through) I tell myself I'm going to be dedicated and never go through that again.  Any ideas what I'm going through right now?  Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Saturday.  Sorry - Office Space got me off track.  So I'm working my way through soreness and I'm currently walking like the new guy in cell block 9. 

Anywho - I got up and did Power90 3-4 Cardio and I did the TH200 Ab workout.  The cardio workout is 42 minutes long and the ab workout is another 6 minutes.  There were definitely moments I struggled in the cardio workout.  Run lunges, well my knees were killing me so those were more like a combo of run lunges and walk lunges to take the impact out of them.  When it came for cross hops it was totally fast walk hops.  Again, my knees weren't up for it so I had to, just had to take the impact out of it.  I did them as fast as I could without jumping back and forth.  The kicking and punching section weren't too bad.  Again I ran out of gas a little at the end, but I did it.  I did ALL of it.  I think I stopped maybe once, but then got right back in it.  I just may not have been as fast as the instructors... yet. 

Abs - whole other issue.  I always start off strong.  For those that don't know the TH200 is essentially 10 different ab isolation exercises and you do each one for 20 reps (10 x 20 = 200, got it?)  I did the standard crunches, the side crunches, the ones when you bring your head to your knees, well that one I struggled and got maybe 10 done.  After that is the ones where you have your legs (as straight as you can make them) straight up in the air and you try and touch your toes.  Have I mentioned that I've lost flexibility?  WTF makes Tony think I can do that now?  I got maybe 2 of those.  Moved onto "in and outs" and did fairly well with those.  Hip Rockers are very similar and I did pretty well with those.  Bicycles were after that and I typically suck with that and only get about 10 reps, today was no exception.  Last - full body crunch.  I don't even know how many I got.  More than 5 but less than 15.  After that it was some more glorious stretching. 

Tomorrow.... Power90 3-4 Strength.  It's only 38 minutes, but certain to kick my ass until I get into better shape.  Tomorrow is another step.  Oh and today is my 3rd straight day with no soda or caffeine.  3 out of the last 4 days I've drank at least a gallon of water (about 130 oz or so).  Sunday was the only exception and I believe I drank somewhere around 70 or 80 oz.  Still not too bad. 

OK - signing off and off to bed.  Keep pushing play.

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