Friday, February 22, 2013

February 22

Got up and did Power90 Cardio level 3-4.  It's 42 minutes long.  Pretty good workout.  I made it through Power Yoga as well, without using the push up bars for my flaky wrists.  Unfortunately I did not do the TH200 ab workout that immediately followed it as I had to go to the bathroom and simply ran out of time.  I'll do those tonight before I put the kids to bed.

One thing I did different this morning was eat a Quaker Choc Chip granola bar (not exactly healthy) before I started.  I just wanted to have something in my stomach before I start working out.  I've read over and over and over that you want to eat something or have something in your stomach before you start.  Something preferably high in protein.  I've never eaten before I worked out.  I typically just get up and workout, so this is a change.  I'm going to try some different stuff going forward.  Maybe some rice cakes with Natural peanut butter spread on it.  Not sure.  I just know I need to jumpstart my metabolism and get it in fat burning mode. I'd like to see some great results (again).

Just to try and complete this post with as much detail for reference as possible.... I did get fatigued at the end of the workout.  Pretty fatigued.  I still pushed forward and didn't stop at all for breaks, but my arms & legs were pretty tired.  I did not wear my heart rate monitor today, but will be when I start up on P90X again.  This was the first time I've done this workout in about 3 wks, so I'm pretty good with how it turned out.

Onward and forward.  Tomorrow I need to do Power90 Strength level 3-4.  I haven't done that one in over a year (I think).  Sunday I'm going to do the P90X fit test and HOPEFULLY X Stretch.  If mother nature cooperates I won't be shoveling or snowblowing.  I don't think that bitch is going to cooperate though.

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