Monday, February 25, 2013

February 24

Thankfully my wife pushed me and didn't allow me to make excuses today.  She instead gave me every opportunity to succeed and complete this workout.  I was really sore from my Power90 3-4 Strength workout on Saturday and Sunday I would like to reserve for stretch days to work on my flexibility and really get my muscles in a good position before I start my next week of workouts and kicking the shit out of them.  So, that is what I did.  P90X X Stretch.  It's 58 minutes of stretching each and every muscle you have in your body. 

It was not an easy workout.  It really pushes you and some of the positions are really difficult.  For me it is amazing to see how much flexibility I have lost.  It gives me yet another thing to work towards, not that I have a shortage of that.  No matter what though I never feel discouraged after I do this workout.  I always feel refreshed and way more open & relaxed then when I started. I guess that is the point of it (DUH).  It just makes me kick myself for not doing this workout back when I did P90X originally.  I always thought that spending an hour for stretching... STRETCHING was ridiculous.  Here is where you apply the age old saying "don't knock it until you try it".  Yup, age old advice from the guy that was 'hankerin for a hunk-o-cheese Yahoo.  With that.... I leave you my mentor and inspirational leader.  Let his age old advice live on forever.

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