Monday, March 31, 2014

P90X3 re-started!! Nutrition. blah

OK - so I just realized that I never went back on Saturday and weighed myself in for the "weekly" weigh in. My bag.  Oh well.  I wouldn't have expected a better weigh in.  My nutrition was spotty at best.  I think I drank alcohol 4 days last week.  4 fucking days.  That's not going to get it done.  Do I really need to wonder why my belly isn't getting smaller?

This weekend I didn't do any structured workouts.  Saturday I helped my youngest brother move, but that honestly wasn't that difficult.  So thanks Justin!  I feared the worst, but it wasn't bad at all.  I was supposed to do Combat 30 on Saturday, but my morning was spent just trying to get the kids ready and help Christie get out the door before I left.  Sunday was going to be a rest day and it was.  I did NOTHING.

Overall I've been really tired.  I'm pretty sure its due to the nutrition or lack there of that I've been consuming.  Again - drinking 4 days last week (7 beers total)...wait.... was it only 4 times.... might have been 5.  Either way, it just drags you down.  As much as you may enjoy it while you are doing it the energy level after just plummets.  I've been drinking my Shakeology for breakfasts and that is great.  I love it.  Love the taste of it and honestly its quick & easy.  I'm not helping myself with some of my other choices though.  I have to get back on track and just have my 1 night a week where we consume some bad food.  Limiting myself to 1 or 2 beers.

P90x3.  I did a workout last week to test my shoulder and overall I felt great.  My muscles were sore and it was a feeling I had not had in a while.  It felt great and I definitely missed it.  Initially I thought to myself "I'm going to go crazy and do doubles every morning of X3 and T25!".  I definitely want to work in more T25 because the program is phenomenal.  It totally works your core and the cardio is awesome.  Something X3 seriously lacks.  My focus though needs to shift back to nutrition and portion control.  Anywho, I'm getting sidetracked.

X3 is great.  I LOVE the strength workouts.  This morning I did 11 unassisted pull ups.  4 chin ups with you pulling your knees up to your chest after you have your head above the bar.  7 pull ups where you bring your legs around in a circular motion across your chest after you pulled your head above the bar.  So - completely different exercises, but still 11 when all is said and done.  It felt great.  There was a time though when I was telling Tony to just shut the fuck up and get on with the workouts.  lol  Its all good though.  He didn't mind.  lol

Tomorrow will be Agility X which is by far one of my least favorite workouts ever.  I just don't enjoy it.  I'll focus on form though and try and make the best of it.  Until then!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mid week weigh in, Combat week 2, new pull up bar

OK - so today's weigh in was 170.6lbs  I don't buy it and don't get it.  I certainly don't feel it.  Definitely feeling bloated.  I'm killing a fair amount of calories doing Combat, but I know its not the most intense workout I've done.  So it makes me wonder how many calories would I be killing if I was doing a more intense workout.  Hmmmmm

Combat - Week #2.  Lets see, unlike week #1 I have actually followed the schedule, not guessed which workout is the next day and just did what I thought I was supposed to do.  Such a dumbass.  I've used the weighted gloves all week, except for the Power HIIT workout (30 min and over 350 cals burned) and yes, its provided more resistance.  Extremely difficult routine?  No.  Tomorrow is a scheduled "rest day" and they follow that up with Shock Plyo (jelly legs, lots of jumping) and Combat 30 to round out the week.  I'm thinking tomorrow I'm going to do P90x3 Incinerator to see how many calories I kill.  Great strength training and I could really use that right now.

New Pull Up bar - FINALLY I used my lunch break today on my "work from home" day and cut up the 2x6 and mounted it to the ceiling joists in the basement. Drilled a couple holes and insert 5' long x 1" thick black steel pipe.  Ta-da!  New pull-up bar.  Why go through all this trouble?  Let me just say this....  my existing one did in fact work.  It did.  It mounted in the door frame.  The challenge with it was the door frame was at the bottom of a stair landing.  Extremely easy to do "assisted" pull ups with one foot on the landing.   When I did pull myself all the way up (my max is 6 unassisted) my head would either A) hit the ceiling or B) hit the light mounted on the ceiling.  Kinda sucked.  The new one is roughly 18" down from the ceiling so this should help avoid those scenarios.  In addition, its just a straight bar.  So no odd hand grippings when trying to to do any of the assorted pull ups in X3.  On top of all that - as I've tested, my form is MUCH better with the new pull up bar.  I'm excited to use it for a workout.  LOL

That's all I've got really.  Really tired and stressed lately.  Things have been really busy at work, busy at home and sleep is a precious thing.  I'm thankful that I've been able to workout and help with some of the stress release, but I'm looking forward to calmer times and getting past this stress.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

End of week weigh in, Combat 1st week opinion, etc..

End of week weigh in.  I was expecting good things.  I really was.  I figured I'd be below 170 without a doubt.  I was 170.8 on Wednesday, I've not eaten junk all week.  I've stayed on track with my nutrition.  What was the weigh in?  Which one?  I got on the scale the first time and it was 171.8lbs.  Said to myself, no - that can't be right.  Stepped off, let it zero out and stepped on again.  171.4lbs.  OK - that's a little better, but why am I getting 2 different readings?  Let's go a 3rd time and see what it is.  172.2lbs.  WHAT!!!!  This is BULLSHIT.  Step off, clear, try again.  171.8lbs.  We are going to stick with 171.8lbs.

Yet another reason why I hate the scale as a measurement tool for success.  I haven't been feeling "thin" like I had been and my jeans aren't as loose as they were, so that is why I was using it.  Christie will be taking my measurements later today to see if I am completely losing my mind or not.

Les Mills Combat.  OK - today was "Extreme Cardio 60".  A 60 minute workout, which by the way is only 55 min long.  I'm sorry - but accuracy is a pet peeve of mine.  If you say 60, you fucking better be 60.  I don't care if 60 min includes a warm up, a cool down, etc... Just as long as the video run time is at least 60 min.  T25 says get your workout in 25 min a day.  You know what, you hit that clock and you start at 25 min and you stop when 25 min is up.  Your cool down is another 3 min AFTER that workout.  P90x3 the workouts are 30 min.  Meaning each routine is 30 min long.  PERIOD.

In addition to my bitch about that inaccurate time keeping they do (like the 30 min workouts being 27), I don't understand why they are stopping.  OK - you want to show me how to do a transition, fine.  Do you need to completely stop and practically rest to do that?  Probably not.  I'm clearly fighting this program.  I even got the 1lb fighting gloves (1lb each hand).  Wore them today.  Egh.  I'm sure it helped me work "harder", but nothing extreme.

OK - that's the end of my bitching about my weight and workout.  I'm doing SOMETHING, but I'm just not sure what I'm doing is the program for me.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mid week weigh in, Combat workouts, shoulder/PT, exhaustion

My mid week workout - as expected, the vacation bloat is gone.  I'm 170.8lbs, so down 4.8lbs from Monday morning. Now time to get closer to that goal weight of 165.  My main focus right now is just getting under 170 and staying there.  I've seen it from time to time, but clearly not there yet.  Just like when I was 200, 190s and 180s - I want it in the rear view mirror.

Apparently I screwed up my workout schedule already.  Yesterday I did what would have been today's workout so as a result today I did yesterday's workout.  I'm actually glad that this happened.  I had physical therapy last night and that was 75 min long.  I don't know if I could have done a 45 min workout today.  It took me a lot to just get up and press play for today's 30 min workout.  It was a very awkward workout.  Les Mills Combat - HIIT Power.  It had weights!  I was happy about that.  Just kind of odd exercises and transitions in my opinion.  Just not things I was used to, I'll get there.  According to the fancy new Polar FT4 I got for my bday I killed 300 calories in that 30 min.  Between these 3 workouts this week I've killed about 1000 calories.  Not disappointed.

Shoulder - all is good.  No pain, no discomfort.  No longer pulling in the neck.  Officially cleared and I don't have to go back to PT unless I have a relapse.  I don't plan to have a relapse.  I need to figure out though what schedule to do those PT exercises on and how to incorporate them.  They are definitely tough and work the core/shoulder/back.  Really good stuff.

Exhausted.  That's all I have to say about that.  Getting back from vacation and trying to catch up on everything is always exhausting.  All the laundry, the house cleaning, keeping up with all the day to day stuff you didn't have to do for a bit.  I know.... no boo-hoo's for the guy that just got back from fucking vacation.  It's OK.  So, also adjusting to getting back to work.  Trying to get sleep, but sometimes your body or your environment don't cooperate and help you.  Add in being extremely hammered at work and you've got an exhausted man right here.  A work in progress (aka WIP).  Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day, but I think I'm going to do P90x3 Dynamix.  Great routine, good core stuff and stretching.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Vacation is over - back to work, Les Mills Combat...first impressions

OK - well I've returned from vacation.  I consumed a lot of stuff that I typically wouldn't... why?  Because I could.  Here is the short of it - I'm up 3.4lbs.  My weight this morning was 175.6lbs.  A lot of my food choices were good.  I ate a lot of healthy foods, but at the same time - I drank a lot of beer.  I also consumed a lot of salty/cheesy type foods that I normally just wouldn't eat.  Not to mention had my fair share of desserts - again, something I don't consume on a regular basis.

I still stayed active.  We flew out Thursday and flew back on Sunday.  I worked out Thursday, Friday & Saturday.  Plus between Thurs & Friday we walked just over 11 miles.  Not too shabby.  If you do all that activity and STILL gain weight, well its got to be over-indulging.  GUILTY.

In my defense - when you go to get some breakfast and they say "oh its buffet and the buffet is $22.50" or get a nice sit down dinner and they say "oh its yet another damn buffet and its $42 per person", you bet your ass I'm tying a feedbag on.  lol  Especially after my wife apparently became ill during that buffet, I may have tried to eat $84 worth of food.  lol  WHATEVER.

Again - I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  I refuse to.  I'm happy to be back and happy get back to those things that have become routine for me, for a HEALTHY me.  Drinking my shake.  Doing my workouts.  All good things.

Now - I have officially started Les Mills Combat.  I'm digging it.  Its a badass workout.  Is it as badass as the MMX workout in P90x3?  So far, no - but I've only done a couple of the workouts.  I've done "the basics" which is essentially a training video, one in which I will have to revisit.  I've also done the "kick start 30" routine.  I just got a Polar FT4 for my bday and used it this morning to see how many calories I burned.  284 calories for just under 30 min of work.  I can do better.  I want to be eclipsing 300 cals for each 30 min workout.  I've just got to push harder.  Focus more.  Get more intense in the workout.  Maximize these results.  Tomorrow's workout is HIIT: Power Kata.  No idea what the hell that is, but I'm liking the sound of it.  My core already feels today's workout, can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.  I'm sure by my mid-week weigh in (Wednesday) I'll probably have those few extra pounds gone.  I look forward to continuing my journey and getting closer to my goals.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Although on Saturday my weight was 170.8lbs, today (Thursday) my weight is 172.2lbs.  Off to Savannah, GA until Sunday.  I'm going prepared to have lots of fun with my wife.  Lots of walking, exploring, hopefully some sensible nutrition.  Also loaded my tablet with workouts (T25 BETA & Les Mills Combat).

Check back next week.

Monday, March 10, 2014

PT update, workouts & coaching

First - I did my weekly Saturday weigh in and it was 170.8lbs.  Not too bad, but could have been better.  Definitely could have been better.  My nutrition has been spotty.  Lots of bdays right now and I'm letting all the celebrations get the best of me.  That's a mistake.  There is no reason why I can't partake in the celebrations, but I don't have to go back for multiple slices of pizza.  Today I had 7 pieces.  Yes, count them... 7.  My only saving grace was tonight there was no cake.  Thank goodness for workouts to offset my lack of discipline with food.

Physical Therapy:  I've been consistently doing my exercises/stretches twice a day since Wednesday of last week and its made a world of difference.  I have very very little discomfort.  I haven't taken any muscle relaxers in a while, a few days actually.  Nothing for pain.  Its just certain positions I feel a little bit of pulling in my neck/shoulder.  The pulling is extremely minimal.  I'm very confident that if I stick with the routine I'm going to be completely pain free really soon and back to full workouts with zero restrictions.

Now regarding workouts, I just started BETA again this morning.  T25 BETA Core Cardio first thing this morning.  It was tough.  Part of the problem was my energy level due to time change, lack of sleep recently and of course nutrition.  Garbage in, garbage out.  Mistake for sure.  I've been drinking my Shakeology shakes though and that has really helped.  Not to mention kept me extremely regular, which is great.

Coaching - Let me tell you.  SO proud of the peeps that have reached out to me.  They are motivated for change.  MOTIVATED.  A couple of have programs and they are already going after it.  They are inquiring about how to eat healthier, how to be consistent with their workouts, etc...  I need to start an FAQ page soon I think.  lol  Awesome.  So proud of these folks.  Change is coming for them and its all good.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Physical Therapy started, Coaching - first clients!

OK - the thing I had been dreading for a few weeks has finally come and gone.  My neck/shoulder injury was really really getting to me.  I started out with, OK - I'll give this a few days and get back to the workouts.  Then it went a week and I started getting thoughts of "will I ever be able to workout again"... then another week went by and I was like "OK, what if I have ALS or something horrid like that".  Yes - the mind is an extremely powerful thing.  I can raise you and drop you.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that I typically am not a ray of fucking sunshine.  FITNESS though has brought that out in me.  It has made me feel better about myself and about life in general.  I feel empowered and it makes me want others to feel just as empowered.

Moving back to the physical therapy.... I had my consult/1st appt yesterday.  All went well.  He was happy with my overall health.  He wanted to go over form on some things like squats and what not to insure that I knew what good form was and that I didn't have a bigger issue like a spinal issue.  In short - I had great form and he feels I should be good in just a few weeks.  I'm really really excited about that.  I'll see him again on Tuesday and then again the following Tuesday and Thursday.  At that point I should be done and ready to get back at P90x3.

This week I've finally felt healthy enough to get back to ANY workouts so I jumped back on board with T25.  I started right from week 1, day 1.  It has reminded me everything that I both loved and disliked about the routine.  lol  Trust me, there is a LOT more love than dislike.  25 minutes and you are dripping sweat when all is said and done.  You can't complain about that.  Your core is tight, you WILL SEE RESULTS.  I completed day 4 today and I'm hoping just a couple more weeks of this and I'll jump up to BETA.  I want to do my last 5 weeks of P90x3 and double it with T25 BETA.  I'm thinking that will give me some great results with my fitness level and overall health.

First clients - so I had reached out to a very dear old friend a couple weeks back and she went ahead and ordered Les Mills Combat after a short chat.  She wanted to make sure that I was positive I would be able to keep you on track, motivate her and be with her on this journey.  HELL YES.  I am positive.  I am looking forward to it.  This person is deep down a great person.  She shares a lot of the same qualities that I love so much about my wife.  Extremely compassionate person.  I can't wait to help get her healthier and happier.

In addition to that I saw another dear old friend and signed up and made me their coach.  I reached out to her just because I was caught off guard by this.  I wanted to know how she was doing and what her goals were.  She had told me she was getting ready to order P90X, which I was excited about for her - but after a lengthy discussion with her we agreed it may not be the best program for her at this time.  Yes, she wants to get stronger, but you don't just get stronger from using weights.  She has a goal for doing a half marathon, she has more weight to lose (as do we all!).  She's looking to increase her stamina and cardio.  One of the reasons P90X would not work for her at this time is lack of time.  She is already getting up at 4:30AM and going to the gym and busting her ass.  KUDOS.  I've been there and it sucks.  Your commitment is amazing.  T25 is going to push her in ways she didn't think imaginable.  She will re-think fitness and get awesome results.  Her journey is going to be fantastic and I can't wait to help her with it.  As a proud T25 graduate, I've been there and done that.  It works.  Trust and believe - it works.

That's all I've got.  LOTS to do today and we have celebrations this weekend for my wife & I's bdays.  Families will be joining us for a very wonderful celebration and we are looking forward to it.  We will indulge a little bit, but not go overboard.  Nothing says you can't have fun, but don't lose sight of your goals either.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Injury update, PT and customer/clients

First an injury update.  As we all know it has been a total pain in my ass for weeks now.  WEEKS.  It has really prohibited me from doing any strength training.  Even cardio, because the injury is more my neck and it has severely limited my range of motion.  Yeah - it sucks.

My last couple days of this past weekend (my on call week) I got a heating pad, used the muscle relaxers and Ibuprofen wisely, not to mention slept on my back (kinda) on the living room couch.  End result?  I woke up Monday morning with very very limited pain/discomfort and a lot of range of motion.  SWEET.  I was doing so good that Monday night I did T25 Alpha Cardio.  It was AWESOME.  The only area I really modified was the jump knee tucks, just because of my history with knee pain.  It was great.  To be consistent, I slept on the couch again last night.  Again, I woke up with little/no discomfort and did T25 Alpha Speed 1.0.  Good stuff.  My legs are a little tired, but overall I feel pretty good.  There is definite tightness/stiffness in my neck, but again - not a lot of pain and manageable.

PT - aka Physical Therapy.  I go to my first appt for that tomorrow morning.  I am curious.  I am certainly feeling better, and that is great.  However, I would FEEL much better knowing that there isn't a larger problem here.  Certainly I don't want to have to rely on pills, pain meds, muscle relaxers to get my body "healthy".  That is not healthy.  We will go tomorrow and see what they have to say.  I'm anxious to find a regimen that will "fix" me so I can get back to strength training and finish up P90x3 before I start on Les Mills Combat.

Customers/Clients - so I had a couple casual conversations with some friends regarding getting healthier and getting in shape.  One of them I know used to do Tae Bo (hey, Billy Banks was cool!) and I suggested to this person that maybe Les Mills Combat would be a good fit.  Sent a video link, they didn't get back to me - but no worries.  I told them that it was definitely a program that I was diving in on and going to do as soon as I completed P90x3.  Out of the blue I got a message today from that person saying they had ordered COMBAT.  WOOT WOOT!!!  So excited!  They messaged me to make sure I was up for the challenge to motivate them, hold them accountable and help them get in awesome shape.  YES - I am up to that challenge.  I'm PUMPED for it!  I know they can do it.  Super psyched.  While checking my Coach Online Office I found that I had someone else who signed up for me as their coach and I didn't even realize it.  Pretty awesome.

So I'll update more tomorrow after I get through physical therapy and all that jazz, but tonight is ending on a really good note and I'm loving it.