Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Injury update, PT and customer/clients

First an injury update.  As we all know it has been a total pain in my ass for weeks now.  WEEKS.  It has really prohibited me from doing any strength training.  Even cardio, because the injury is more my neck and it has severely limited my range of motion.  Yeah - it sucks.

My last couple days of this past weekend (my on call week) I got a heating pad, used the muscle relaxers and Ibuprofen wisely, not to mention slept on my back (kinda) on the living room couch.  End result?  I woke up Monday morning with very very limited pain/discomfort and a lot of range of motion.  SWEET.  I was doing so good that Monday night I did T25 Alpha Cardio.  It was AWESOME.  The only area I really modified was the jump knee tucks, just because of my history with knee pain.  It was great.  To be consistent, I slept on the couch again last night.  Again, I woke up with little/no discomfort and did T25 Alpha Speed 1.0.  Good stuff.  My legs are a little tired, but overall I feel pretty good.  There is definite tightness/stiffness in my neck, but again - not a lot of pain and manageable.

PT - aka Physical Therapy.  I go to my first appt for that tomorrow morning.  I am curious.  I am certainly feeling better, and that is great.  However, I would FEEL much better knowing that there isn't a larger problem here.  Certainly I don't want to have to rely on pills, pain meds, muscle relaxers to get my body "healthy".  That is not healthy.  We will go tomorrow and see what they have to say.  I'm anxious to find a regimen that will "fix" me so I can get back to strength training and finish up P90x3 before I start on Les Mills Combat.

Customers/Clients - so I had a couple casual conversations with some friends regarding getting healthier and getting in shape.  One of them I know used to do Tae Bo (hey, Billy Banks was cool!) and I suggested to this person that maybe Les Mills Combat would be a good fit.  Sent a video link, they didn't get back to me - but no worries.  I told them that it was definitely a program that I was diving in on and going to do as soon as I completed P90x3.  Out of the blue I got a message today from that person saying they had ordered COMBAT.  WOOT WOOT!!!  So excited!  They messaged me to make sure I was up for the challenge to motivate them, hold them accountable and help them get in awesome shape.  YES - I am up to that challenge.  I'm PUMPED for it!  I know they can do it.  Super psyched.  While checking my Coach Online Office I found that I had someone else who signed up for me as their coach and I didn't even realize it.  Pretty awesome.

So I'll update more tomorrow after I get through physical therapy and all that jazz, but tonight is ending on a really good note and I'm loving it.

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