Monday, March 17, 2014

Vacation is over - back to work, Les Mills Combat...first impressions

OK - well I've returned from vacation.  I consumed a lot of stuff that I typically wouldn't... why?  Because I could.  Here is the short of it - I'm up 3.4lbs.  My weight this morning was 175.6lbs.  A lot of my food choices were good.  I ate a lot of healthy foods, but at the same time - I drank a lot of beer.  I also consumed a lot of salty/cheesy type foods that I normally just wouldn't eat.  Not to mention had my fair share of desserts - again, something I don't consume on a regular basis.

I still stayed active.  We flew out Thursday and flew back on Sunday.  I worked out Thursday, Friday & Saturday.  Plus between Thurs & Friday we walked just over 11 miles.  Not too shabby.  If you do all that activity and STILL gain weight, well its got to be over-indulging.  GUILTY.

In my defense - when you go to get some breakfast and they say "oh its buffet and the buffet is $22.50" or get a nice sit down dinner and they say "oh its yet another damn buffet and its $42 per person", you bet your ass I'm tying a feedbag on.  lol  Especially after my wife apparently became ill during that buffet, I may have tried to eat $84 worth of food.  lol  WHATEVER.

Again - I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  I refuse to.  I'm happy to be back and happy get back to those things that have become routine for me, for a HEALTHY me.  Drinking my shake.  Doing my workouts.  All good things.

Now - I have officially started Les Mills Combat.  I'm digging it.  Its a badass workout.  Is it as badass as the MMX workout in P90x3?  So far, no - but I've only done a couple of the workouts.  I've done "the basics" which is essentially a training video, one in which I will have to revisit.  I've also done the "kick start 30" routine.  I just got a Polar FT4 for my bday and used it this morning to see how many calories I burned.  284 calories for just under 30 min of work.  I can do better.  I want to be eclipsing 300 cals for each 30 min workout.  I've just got to push harder.  Focus more.  Get more intense in the workout.  Maximize these results.  Tomorrow's workout is HIIT: Power Kata.  No idea what the hell that is, but I'm liking the sound of it.  My core already feels today's workout, can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.  I'm sure by my mid-week weigh in (Wednesday) I'll probably have those few extra pounds gone.  I look forward to continuing my journey and getting closer to my goals.

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