Monday, March 31, 2014

P90X3 re-started!! Nutrition. blah

OK - so I just realized that I never went back on Saturday and weighed myself in for the "weekly" weigh in. My bag.  Oh well.  I wouldn't have expected a better weigh in.  My nutrition was spotty at best.  I think I drank alcohol 4 days last week.  4 fucking days.  That's not going to get it done.  Do I really need to wonder why my belly isn't getting smaller?

This weekend I didn't do any structured workouts.  Saturday I helped my youngest brother move, but that honestly wasn't that difficult.  So thanks Justin!  I feared the worst, but it wasn't bad at all.  I was supposed to do Combat 30 on Saturday, but my morning was spent just trying to get the kids ready and help Christie get out the door before I left.  Sunday was going to be a rest day and it was.  I did NOTHING.

Overall I've been really tired.  I'm pretty sure its due to the nutrition or lack there of that I've been consuming.  Again - drinking 4 days last week (7 beers total)...wait.... was it only 4 times.... might have been 5.  Either way, it just drags you down.  As much as you may enjoy it while you are doing it the energy level after just plummets.  I've been drinking my Shakeology for breakfasts and that is great.  I love it.  Love the taste of it and honestly its quick & easy.  I'm not helping myself with some of my other choices though.  I have to get back on track and just have my 1 night a week where we consume some bad food.  Limiting myself to 1 or 2 beers.

P90x3.  I did a workout last week to test my shoulder and overall I felt great.  My muscles were sore and it was a feeling I had not had in a while.  It felt great and I definitely missed it.  Initially I thought to myself "I'm going to go crazy and do doubles every morning of X3 and T25!".  I definitely want to work in more T25 because the program is phenomenal.  It totally works your core and the cardio is awesome.  Something X3 seriously lacks.  My focus though needs to shift back to nutrition and portion control.  Anywho, I'm getting sidetracked.

X3 is great.  I LOVE the strength workouts.  This morning I did 11 unassisted pull ups.  4 chin ups with you pulling your knees up to your chest after you have your head above the bar.  7 pull ups where you bring your legs around in a circular motion across your chest after you pulled your head above the bar.  So - completely different exercises, but still 11 when all is said and done.  It felt great.  There was a time though when I was telling Tony to just shut the fuck up and get on with the workouts.  lol  Its all good though.  He didn't mind.  lol

Tomorrow will be Agility X which is by far one of my least favorite workouts ever.  I just don't enjoy it.  I'll focus on form though and try and make the best of it.  Until then!!

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