Thursday, March 6, 2014

Physical Therapy started, Coaching - first clients!

OK - the thing I had been dreading for a few weeks has finally come and gone.  My neck/shoulder injury was really really getting to me.  I started out with, OK - I'll give this a few days and get back to the workouts.  Then it went a week and I started getting thoughts of "will I ever be able to workout again"... then another week went by and I was like "OK, what if I have ALS or something horrid like that".  Yes - the mind is an extremely powerful thing.  I can raise you and drop you.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that I typically am not a ray of fucking sunshine.  FITNESS though has brought that out in me.  It has made me feel better about myself and about life in general.  I feel empowered and it makes me want others to feel just as empowered.

Moving back to the physical therapy.... I had my consult/1st appt yesterday.  All went well.  He was happy with my overall health.  He wanted to go over form on some things like squats and what not to insure that I knew what good form was and that I didn't have a bigger issue like a spinal issue.  In short - I had great form and he feels I should be good in just a few weeks.  I'm really really excited about that.  I'll see him again on Tuesday and then again the following Tuesday and Thursday.  At that point I should be done and ready to get back at P90x3.

This week I've finally felt healthy enough to get back to ANY workouts so I jumped back on board with T25.  I started right from week 1, day 1.  It has reminded me everything that I both loved and disliked about the routine.  lol  Trust me, there is a LOT more love than dislike.  25 minutes and you are dripping sweat when all is said and done.  You can't complain about that.  Your core is tight, you WILL SEE RESULTS.  I completed day 4 today and I'm hoping just a couple more weeks of this and I'll jump up to BETA.  I want to do my last 5 weeks of P90x3 and double it with T25 BETA.  I'm thinking that will give me some great results with my fitness level and overall health.

First clients - so I had reached out to a very dear old friend a couple weeks back and she went ahead and ordered Les Mills Combat after a short chat.  She wanted to make sure that I was positive I would be able to keep you on track, motivate her and be with her on this journey.  HELL YES.  I am positive.  I am looking forward to it.  This person is deep down a great person.  She shares a lot of the same qualities that I love so much about my wife.  Extremely compassionate person.  I can't wait to help get her healthier and happier.

In addition to that I saw another dear old friend and signed up and made me their coach.  I reached out to her just because I was caught off guard by this.  I wanted to know how she was doing and what her goals were.  She had told me she was getting ready to order P90X, which I was excited about for her - but after a lengthy discussion with her we agreed it may not be the best program for her at this time.  Yes, she wants to get stronger, but you don't just get stronger from using weights.  She has a goal for doing a half marathon, she has more weight to lose (as do we all!).  She's looking to increase her stamina and cardio.  One of the reasons P90X would not work for her at this time is lack of time.  She is already getting up at 4:30AM and going to the gym and busting her ass.  KUDOS.  I've been there and it sucks.  Your commitment is amazing.  T25 is going to push her in ways she didn't think imaginable.  She will re-think fitness and get awesome results.  Her journey is going to be fantastic and I can't wait to help her with it.  As a proud T25 graduate, I've been there and done that.  It works.  Trust and believe - it works.

That's all I've got.  LOTS to do today and we have celebrations this weekend for my wife & I's bdays.  Families will be joining us for a very wonderful celebration and we are looking forward to it.  We will indulge a little bit, but not go overboard.  Nothing says you can't have fun, but don't lose sight of your goals either.

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