Monday, March 10, 2014

PT update, workouts & coaching

First - I did my weekly Saturday weigh in and it was 170.8lbs.  Not too bad, but could have been better.  Definitely could have been better.  My nutrition has been spotty.  Lots of bdays right now and I'm letting all the celebrations get the best of me.  That's a mistake.  There is no reason why I can't partake in the celebrations, but I don't have to go back for multiple slices of pizza.  Today I had 7 pieces.  Yes, count them... 7.  My only saving grace was tonight there was no cake.  Thank goodness for workouts to offset my lack of discipline with food.

Physical Therapy:  I've been consistently doing my exercises/stretches twice a day since Wednesday of last week and its made a world of difference.  I have very very little discomfort.  I haven't taken any muscle relaxers in a while, a few days actually.  Nothing for pain.  Its just certain positions I feel a little bit of pulling in my neck/shoulder.  The pulling is extremely minimal.  I'm very confident that if I stick with the routine I'm going to be completely pain free really soon and back to full workouts with zero restrictions.

Now regarding workouts, I just started BETA again this morning.  T25 BETA Core Cardio first thing this morning.  It was tough.  Part of the problem was my energy level due to time change, lack of sleep recently and of course nutrition.  Garbage in, garbage out.  Mistake for sure.  I've been drinking my Shakeology shakes though and that has really helped.  Not to mention kept me extremely regular, which is great.

Coaching - Let me tell you.  SO proud of the peeps that have reached out to me.  They are motivated for change.  MOTIVATED.  A couple of have programs and they are already going after it.  They are inquiring about how to eat healthier, how to be consistent with their workouts, etc...  I need to start an FAQ page soon I think.  lol  Awesome.  So proud of these folks.  Change is coming for them and its all good.

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