Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mid week weigh in, Combat workouts, shoulder/PT, exhaustion

My mid week workout - as expected, the vacation bloat is gone.  I'm 170.8lbs, so down 4.8lbs from Monday morning. Now time to get closer to that goal weight of 165.  My main focus right now is just getting under 170 and staying there.  I've seen it from time to time, but clearly not there yet.  Just like when I was 200, 190s and 180s - I want it in the rear view mirror.

Apparently I screwed up my workout schedule already.  Yesterday I did what would have been today's workout so as a result today I did yesterday's workout.  I'm actually glad that this happened.  I had physical therapy last night and that was 75 min long.  I don't know if I could have done a 45 min workout today.  It took me a lot to just get up and press play for today's 30 min workout.  It was a very awkward workout.  Les Mills Combat - HIIT Power.  It had weights!  I was happy about that.  Just kind of odd exercises and transitions in my opinion.  Just not things I was used to, I'll get there.  According to the fancy new Polar FT4 I got for my bday I killed 300 calories in that 30 min.  Between these 3 workouts this week I've killed about 1000 calories.  Not disappointed.

Shoulder - all is good.  No pain, no discomfort.  No longer pulling in the neck.  Officially cleared and I don't have to go back to PT unless I have a relapse.  I don't plan to have a relapse.  I need to figure out though what schedule to do those PT exercises on and how to incorporate them.  They are definitely tough and work the core/shoulder/back.  Really good stuff.

Exhausted.  That's all I have to say about that.  Getting back from vacation and trying to catch up on everything is always exhausting.  All the laundry, the house cleaning, keeping up with all the day to day stuff you didn't have to do for a bit.  I know.... no boo-hoo's for the guy that just got back from fucking vacation.  It's OK.  So, also adjusting to getting back to work.  Trying to get sleep, but sometimes your body or your environment don't cooperate and help you.  Add in being extremely hammered at work and you've got an exhausted man right here.  A work in progress (aka WIP).  Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day, but I think I'm going to do P90x3 Dynamix.  Great routine, good core stuff and stretching.

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