Friday, February 28, 2014

Injury update, BB coaching update, etc..

First the neck/shoulder injury.  Honestly this has turned into a neck injury and it has really limited range and movement in the upper body.  The reason why this sucks is because, sure - I can't do P90X3, but I could still do cardio.  Well, not so much.  Stupid right??  It is to me.  I can't stand it. I'm jumping back into this on Monday.  I've totally put off physical therapy (also dumb, my wife isn't too happy with me about it).  Next week I will be doing the week 8 (transition week from block 2, moving to block 3) over AGAIN.  This will be the 3rd time I've started this particular transition week.  Hopefully I can actually complete it.

Beachbody Coaching.  Nothing really to report.  I put myself out there, that was the first step.  I shared on FB about the success I've had thus far and included some before & after pics.  Again - before my little injury hiatus, down 26lbs (197 down to 171).  Feel pretty good about that.  Here are some pics.

Where does that leave me here.... hmmm... well today I went out and purchased the items needed so I can build a new pull up bar.  The one I have now works, but since I workout in the basement the only doorway down there is the one from the bottom of the stairs that leads into the unfinished side.  When I go to do pull ups with it and I get my chin above the bar I hit my head on the light at the bottom of the steps.  If I move my head while pulling up, then I hit it on the ceiling.  SO annoying.  To avoid these obstacles and hopefully get better with my pull ups, I've got a 2" x 6" x 8' board, lag bolts and a 3/4" x 5' long black steel pipe.  Pretty simple, I'm going to cut the 2 x 6 and mount it to the existing joists.  Drill a 3/4" hole in these now hanging 2 x 6's and slide the pipe through.  Secure it on both sides and BOOM.  New pull up bar done.  Providing work leaves me alone a little bit this weekend I'll get it done then.

I've also found a couple of things that I'm hoping to pounce on that can help me with my pull ups.

I have never done any more than 6 pullups.  My form on these pullups has always been a little questionable because as I get tired I tend to use my legs.  I want good form, I want double digits with good form and start upping the ante.

OK - that's all I've got for now.  I'll probably post again after my next workout... likely Monday.  

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