Monday, February 24, 2014

Injury update, Dr appt, workouts, coaching

Injury update.  I'm still fucking injured!  How about that!  Seriously though, I woke up in a tremendous amount of pain this morning.  I was an extremely unpleasant person to be around.  Advil has been taking a little bit of the edge off, but not doing much of anything else.  I immediately (FINALLY) made a Dr appt.

Dr appt.  He was surprised my blood pressure was high.  REALLY?  Did I mention I'm experiencing this little side affect from being injured?  It's called PAIN!  Fucking donkey.  He gave me a script for muscle relaxers.  REAL ones that you get from a pharmacy, not fake ones that you get from your mom, who got them from.... whomever and turn out to be glorified Aleve.  lol  He wants me taking 600mg of Ibuprofen 4x a day and as many as 2 muscle relaxers a day.  He also wants me to go to physical therapy.  He told me that a lot of people think PT is a joke, but they can do some great things there.  I'm sure they can - but I'm not going.  No need to right now.  Just no need.  Let us take this one step at a time.  Start with the meds and continue to NOT workout (strength workouts) and see where that takes me.

Workouts - well, I'm obviously not frigin doing them.  It sucks, I don't like it and its NOT something I want to get used to.  I feel unhealthy from not exercising and I feel like bad habits are bound to come back.  Exercising, especially first thing in the morning, sets the tone for my whole day.  It gets me started with my water consumption.  It puts me in the right frame of mind to make good food choices all day.  I'm struggling with this, but I will get past it.

Coaching - I just had another coaches meeting with some amazing people on Sunday.  To me, it is kind of crazy for my life to be headed in that direction.  I've always kind of had my own little, small group of close friends and not really interested in expanding it for whatever reason.  Just kept it to the people that I knew well and knew were great people.  Then I decided to get healthier and get to a healthier lifestyle and meet all these awesome people.  Now I'm going to move forward and be a coach.  I don't know, it sounds dumb - but it's kind of crazy.  Regardless of if the coaching opportunity works out for me or not, I couldn't be happier with the people I have met through this adventure. Some great people.  Looking forward to meeting more like minded individuals throughout this adventure.

OK - already started taking the new meds, I'll report back in the next day or so and let you know if they are working or not.  Hopefully they do so I can start getting some fucking workouts in.

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