Friday, February 14, 2014

P90x3 completion, Shakeology and next program chosen

OK - so the last couple days (today and yesterday) I've been battling muscle issues.  My calves are so so so sore from Insanity on Tuesday night.   My neck and shoulder are coming along after some freak sleep injury (totally dumb).  I'm getting better, which is the key.  I barely got just over 2/3 of my workout yesterday and today I didn't even bother.  I just decided to let my body rest.  I'm still trying to talk my mind into it being OK - but still.

My biggest concern with these injuries is having to repeat a week.  I don't want to do it.  I want to move forward, be done, say I've completed it and move onto my next challenge.  One of my other focuses is that my wife and I are going away to celebrate our birthdays in March.  Its in the middle of March and I thought I had everything lined up so that I would finish P90x3 right before that getaway.  As it turns out, I mis-calculated or something.  I don't know what the hell went wrong.  All I know is that I have 5 weeks left and that'll bring me to March 23rd being my end date.  Our getaway will be the 13th to the 16th.  So no matter what my routine is going to get shaken up a little bit.  I'm not going to be able to finish by my desired time and I need to be OK with it.  Honestly my biggest thing with that is I wanted to have some cheats and maybe even over-indulge a little bit while away without risking my day 90 completion pics.  Is that wrong?  Is there something wrong with me?  I have no idea.  lol  I definitely want to show people what you can truly accomplish when you commit for 90 days and I'm afraid of tarnishing that with my cheats.  That being said, my wife and I don't get away often at all.  Our last one was about 7 yrs ago, so I am going to enjoy it.

In short I guess - it doesn't matter if I have to repeat this week or not.  I'm not going to hit my desired end date, there is no getting around that.  What I really need to focus on is getting past these piddly injuries so I can finish the program strong.  Get the best results I possibly can.  That is the end of that.

Shakeology - I'm starting back up with it next week. It should have already shipped (need to confirm that) and I'm pretty excited about it. I believe it is going to help me take my health and fitness to the next level.  It has been sometime since I've had it and that was a decision my wife and I made together.  She has always been extremely supportive of my fitness journey and I, hers.  From a financial stand point though I couldn't justify it.  We've made some changes in our budget so that it is now possible and I'm happy about it.

Next program considerations.  Let us be honest, I own a lot of Beachbody programs.  A LOT.  Which one would think "he should be so frigin fit he could be one of the instructors".  Like I said, I OWN a lot of them.  I didn't say I've done a lot of them.  It has taken me a long time to get my head straight and COMMIT to what I need to do to be healthy.  Yes, I have been dragged backwards by my own decisions (make no mistake, it was always MY decisions ultimately).  Some programs that we as a family own:  Power90 (my first program so so so many years ago and I got in awesome shape back then).  P90X, P90X+, P90X3, Slim In Six, Chalene Extreme, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, T25, Insanity, Shaun T's Fit Club for Kids, Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer.  Yeah - I think that's it.  With ALL those listed... do you think I need to BUY something else?  Probably not.

My objective is to keep my workouts short, so I don't have to get up any earlier than I already do (hello 4:55AM!).  As I've stated before, my wife is going to have hip replacement surgery and while she is recovering I'll be really busy with life.  Work, kids, house, etc...  I'm totally OK with that.  It's what I signed up for when I said "I do".  With that though, there is absolutely no reason why I need to let my health and fitness level and decline.  Especially since I have a plethora of options.

My wife's recovery time is at a MINIMUM of 6 weeks before she will be ready for more "regular" activities.  I will NOT rush her.  It takes however long it takes.  The goal is to get her healthy and let her reclaim the quality of life she hasn't had in many years now.  With that in mind, and my desire to have short workouts just to insure I can get them in, I've decided I'm going to go with a modified version of T25.  We have all 3 phases (ALPHA, BETA & GAMMA).  It is the program that helped me get healthy again.  It helped me get a tighter core and eliminate the lower back issues I have had for years.  It helped me cardio vascularly.  It is less than 30 minutes from start to finish (with cool downs).  I can't say enough good things about it.  Now it is 5 weeks for each the ALPHA & BETA phases.  It is not my intent to do 5 weeks of ALPHA.  There are ZERO weights involved with ALPHA and I just can't see myself doing it.  I plan on doing maybe two weeks of ALPHA and then 5 of BETA and then onto the 4 weeks of GAMMA.  I'll likely do 30 burpees a day every day during that just so I can get some additional strength stuff in there.  I don't want to lose the muscularity look that I've started to gain from both T25 (everything non-ALPHA phase) and P90x3.  I still need to be fit though and I think this will help.  When I am ready to start GAMMA I'll revisit the situation and see how I want to move forward after GAMMA.  Will it be P90X3 again?  Will I move onto Body Beast, Les Mills, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, something new?  Who knows.  Beachbody has a TON of options for me nowadays and for that I'm happy.  My kids see that and they want to be healthy.  They want to exercise.  They want to eat good/healthy food and that is what I want as a parent.  To put them in a position to be the healthiest they can be so they can succeed in life with whatever they choose to do.  Hopefully I can do that.

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