Monday, February 17, 2014

Back at it!! WHOHOOOOO!!

OK - so my brother Justin hooked me up with some stuff called "Atomic Balm" and said, this should do a better job on your muscles than Tiger Balm.  I used that last night.  I put it on and waited and waited and waited and it snuck up on me.  Next thing you know 20 minutes later my shoulder just kept heating up.  WTF!!  lol  Between that and using a roller and stretching ball against a wall I've really been able to get into the muscle and get some relief (FINALLY).  The past 2 nights I've slept on my back out of fear of ending up on the side and re-injuring myself.  Its working as I was able to get my workout in this morning.  WHOOHOOOOOOOO!

I'm starting my transition week over for Block 2 of P90x3.  I really didn't want to, but since I only got 4 days of it in last week I feel I have to.  Transition week or not, its part of the program and I feel I'd only be cheating myself if I didn't see it through.  If I finish the program a week later, then so be it.  At least I finish it knowing that I've DONE IT.  Not most of it, but ALL of it.

The only thing this is really delaying me with, aside from the end date of P90x3, is my block 2 pictures and measurements.  Saturday morning I weighed in at a light 172.4lbs.  That would probably put me down another 1.5lbs from block #1.  In total I'd be down less than 4lbs after 8 weeks of P90x3.  As usual though the scale doesn't tell the whole story.  Shoot the scale.  My arms, legs, back, chest, belly are all much more defined.  I've lost inches everywhere and it shows.  I'm converting my fat to muscle.  Am I going to go enter a fitness competition tomorrow?  NO - but I'm healthier and THAT is my goal.  I'm not looking to win awards with my body.  I'm looking for long term health and being healthier for my life, for me and my family.  That is all that matters.

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