Friday, February 28, 2014

Injury update, BB coaching update, etc..

First the neck/shoulder injury.  Honestly this has turned into a neck injury and it has really limited range and movement in the upper body.  The reason why this sucks is because, sure - I can't do P90X3, but I could still do cardio.  Well, not so much.  Stupid right??  It is to me.  I can't stand it. I'm jumping back into this on Monday.  I've totally put off physical therapy (also dumb, my wife isn't too happy with me about it).  Next week I will be doing the week 8 (transition week from block 2, moving to block 3) over AGAIN.  This will be the 3rd time I've started this particular transition week.  Hopefully I can actually complete it.

Beachbody Coaching.  Nothing really to report.  I put myself out there, that was the first step.  I shared on FB about the success I've had thus far and included some before & after pics.  Again - before my little injury hiatus, down 26lbs (197 down to 171).  Feel pretty good about that.  Here are some pics.

Where does that leave me here.... hmmm... well today I went out and purchased the items needed so I can build a new pull up bar.  The one I have now works, but since I workout in the basement the only doorway down there is the one from the bottom of the stairs that leads into the unfinished side.  When I go to do pull ups with it and I get my chin above the bar I hit my head on the light at the bottom of the steps.  If I move my head while pulling up, then I hit it on the ceiling.  SO annoying.  To avoid these obstacles and hopefully get better with my pull ups, I've got a 2" x 6" x 8' board, lag bolts and a 3/4" x 5' long black steel pipe.  Pretty simple, I'm going to cut the 2 x 6 and mount it to the existing joists.  Drill a 3/4" hole in these now hanging 2 x 6's and slide the pipe through.  Secure it on both sides and BOOM.  New pull up bar done.  Providing work leaves me alone a little bit this weekend I'll get it done then.

I've also found a couple of things that I'm hoping to pounce on that can help me with my pull ups.

I have never done any more than 6 pullups.  My form on these pullups has always been a little questionable because as I get tired I tend to use my legs.  I want good form, I want double digits with good form and start upping the ante.

OK - that's all I've got for now.  I'll probably post again after my next workout... likely Monday.  

Monday, February 24, 2014

Injury update, Dr appt, workouts, coaching

Injury update.  I'm still fucking injured!  How about that!  Seriously though, I woke up in a tremendous amount of pain this morning.  I was an extremely unpleasant person to be around.  Advil has been taking a little bit of the edge off, but not doing much of anything else.  I immediately (FINALLY) made a Dr appt.

Dr appt.  He was surprised my blood pressure was high.  REALLY?  Did I mention I'm experiencing this little side affect from being injured?  It's called PAIN!  Fucking donkey.  He gave me a script for muscle relaxers.  REAL ones that you get from a pharmacy, not fake ones that you get from your mom, who got them from.... whomever and turn out to be glorified Aleve.  lol  He wants me taking 600mg of Ibuprofen 4x a day and as many as 2 muscle relaxers a day.  He also wants me to go to physical therapy.  He told me that a lot of people think PT is a joke, but they can do some great things there.  I'm sure they can - but I'm not going.  No need to right now.  Just no need.  Let us take this one step at a time.  Start with the meds and continue to NOT workout (strength workouts) and see where that takes me.

Workouts - well, I'm obviously not frigin doing them.  It sucks, I don't like it and its NOT something I want to get used to.  I feel unhealthy from not exercising and I feel like bad habits are bound to come back.  Exercising, especially first thing in the morning, sets the tone for my whole day.  It gets me started with my water consumption.  It puts me in the right frame of mind to make good food choices all day.  I'm struggling with this, but I will get past it.

Coaching - I just had another coaches meeting with some amazing people on Sunday.  To me, it is kind of crazy for my life to be headed in that direction.  I've always kind of had my own little, small group of close friends and not really interested in expanding it for whatever reason.  Just kept it to the people that I knew well and knew were great people.  Then I decided to get healthier and get to a healthier lifestyle and meet all these awesome people.  Now I'm going to move forward and be a coach.  I don't know, it sounds dumb - but it's kind of crazy.  Regardless of if the coaching opportunity works out for me or not, I couldn't be happier with the people I have met through this adventure. Some great people.  Looking forward to meeting more like minded individuals throughout this adventure.

OK - already started taking the new meds, I'll report back in the next day or so and let you know if they are working or not.  Hopefully they do so I can start getting some fucking workouts in.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Shakeology, regularity, weight & injury

OK - first and foremost, I started taking a fiber supplement daily for weeks so I can be more "regular".  Something more than just twice a week.  I already have 4 or 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, so .... why can't I poop?  lol  The supplement helped by getting me up to 3x a week.  Yay.

Insert Shakeology.  3 days of drinking it, ZERO fiber supplements and 3 straight days of "regularity".  Who can beat that?  Personally I feel better about that.  Now I haven't been working out since I've been injured.  My last workout was Wednesday (first day back on Shakeology).  Maybe things will change when I get back full bore on the workouts, we shall see.

A bonus of regularity?  You are literally getting rid of the waste from your body.  The garbage its processed and doesn't need.  This helps your weight.  Since I'm heading out on a rare boys night out tonight I figured I'd do my weekend weigh in this morning.  169.8lbs.  Less than 5lbs to reach my next goal.  Psyched.

Injury.  Muscle relaxers work!  I took one around 7PM last night and another around 9AM today (so I wouldn't be mixing it with beer tonight).  By lunch time my neck was in considerably less pain.  There is still some tightness, still discomfort and motion restrictions but - without question better.  I'm seriously fighting the urge to do burpees right now.  lol  Oh and my new pillow finally arrived.  I'll pass out on that tonight for sure.  Not due to too many alcoholic beverages as I am driving.  I am going to have fun though.

My intent is to again, hold off working out this weekend.  Giving my body the rest I think its not so subtly trying to tell me it needs.  Then back at it hard on Monday.  Monday I will NOT be repeating my transition week, instead moving on to week 9 of P90x3.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Shoulder/Neck injured.... AGAIN

Sucks.  Woke up this morning (2AM) with a lot of left shoulder/neck pain.  Same area as before.  I've since gone and gotten a 55 min full body massage.  It did help a little.  I've had 6 Advil since 2AM and I just took a muscle relaxer.  I'm really really hoping to get past this nagging bullshit sooner than later.  That really is all it is.  Nagging bullshit.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to get up (providing I sleep) at my normal time and try and do Dynamix.  Basically kind of stretching.  We'll see.

The massage therapist told me that I have a lot of tension in my left "lavatore scapulae".  Also some tightness in my rotator cuff on my right side and tightness in the "spinalis thoracis" (fancy label for between the shoulder blades).  You can see all the gross pictures here:

Apparently I carry a lot of tension up in my shoulders (no shit) and because of that I tend to bring my shoulders forward, out of their natural position.  Putting additional strain on my deltoids.

Recommendations?  Soak in a nice hot tub (sorry, I don't have a large tub for such matters).  Also, stretch.  Really?  I do that EVERY DAY.  Hmmm.  Lets just hope the muscle relaxers work.  :/

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Plateau broken!

Pretty psyched to find that my weight plateau has been broken.  I weigh myself twice a week.  Once Wednesday morning and once on Saturday morning.  This morning after I drank my shake, ate my apple (snack), had 40oz of water and did my workout I weighed myself.  171 lbs.  That puts me down officially 26lbs.  6 more to go to get to my next goal of 165lbs. 

Keep it moving forward.

Shakeology is FINALLY here, Les Mills Combat

Shakeology has finally arrived and I'm excited about it.  I made my first one this morning.  1 scoop Shakeology, 1 Tblspn of Almond Butter, 1 banana, some ice & water.  Blend blend blend.  It was good.

The last time I was taking Shakeology was actually BEFORE I got serious with my fitness.  My blood work numbers for my cholesterol were better than what they were this past January. That's right, better than when I was eating right and fit.  My overall cholesterol was lower and my bad cholesterol was also lower.  When my family made the decision we didn't have money for Shakeology and just put our focus on fitness & real food for the whole family we knew I had blood work to be done again within 6 months.  The results don't lie.  My blood work is better, my blood pressure and sugar levels are better while on Shakeology.  Even with just good, healthy eating and regular exercise - my medical stats are improved with Shakeology.

Now moving onto my next routine.  I had originally thought T25 and that was primarily because I know my core will see the results and again, its only 25 minutes of ass kicking fun.  The concern with me though is if I've done the routine before I'm probably going to get bored.  I've been intrigued by Les Mills workouts and COMBAT looks awesome.  It reminds me of the ass kicking fun I have doing the MMX routine in P90x3.  I've decided to choose that as my next routine.

The routine last 60 days.  Most of the workouts are 30 minutes long which is great.  There is 1 that is 45 minutes long and 2 that are 60 minutes long.  I'm not going to be thrilled to do 60 minute workouts in the morning, but I'll deal.  They state in the marketing material that people have been known to kill 1000 calories in a single 60 minute Combat workout.  AWESOME.  Did I mention I still have 6 or 7 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight of 165lbs?  My wife still looks at me funny when I say that is my goal weight.  She can look at me funny all she wants.  My plan is always to revisit my weight after I have hit a goal.  165lbs will be no different.

Les Mills Combat.  The routine also has 3 different schedules you can do.  Warrior (with 2 rest days), Supreme Warrior (1 rest day), Ultimate Warrior (1 rest day, but some double workouts during the week).  My intent is to push for the Supreme Warrior schedule. My fitness level is pretty good and I believe it is reasonable that I can really push myself and make that happen, without killing myself.  Also keeping in mind my house responsibilities will be drastically increased while Christie is recovering from hip replacement surgery.  Its doable.  

Now Beachbody does sell gloves for the routine.  If you have ever previewed the routine or the infomercial, everyone is using these gloves.  They look like they are weighted gloves, but apparently are not in fact weighted at all.  Beachbody sells them for $40.  Pricey.  Even for me as a coach.  I won't be going that route.  I'm strongly leaning towards some weighted gloves on Amazon that run about $20 and each glove has a 1lb weight on them.  I think it will provide some great resistance.  If its too much I can simply remove the weight without damaging the gloves.

Overall I'm really excited here!  I've got a plan and that is exciting.  It's something to work TOWARDS.  Its going to be a great summer, partly because I'm going to be the healthiest I have been in years.  LETS DO THIS!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Back at it!! WHOHOOOOO!!

OK - so my brother Justin hooked me up with some stuff called "Atomic Balm" and said, this should do a better job on your muscles than Tiger Balm.  I used that last night.  I put it on and waited and waited and waited and it snuck up on me.  Next thing you know 20 minutes later my shoulder just kept heating up.  WTF!!  lol  Between that and using a roller and stretching ball against a wall I've really been able to get into the muscle and get some relief (FINALLY).  The past 2 nights I've slept on my back out of fear of ending up on the side and re-injuring myself.  Its working as I was able to get my workout in this morning.  WHOOHOOOOOOOO!

I'm starting my transition week over for Block 2 of P90x3.  I really didn't want to, but since I only got 4 days of it in last week I feel I have to.  Transition week or not, its part of the program and I feel I'd only be cheating myself if I didn't see it through.  If I finish the program a week later, then so be it.  At least I finish it knowing that I've DONE IT.  Not most of it, but ALL of it.

The only thing this is really delaying me with, aside from the end date of P90x3, is my block 2 pictures and measurements.  Saturday morning I weighed in at a light 172.4lbs.  That would probably put me down another 1.5lbs from block #1.  In total I'd be down less than 4lbs after 8 weeks of P90x3.  As usual though the scale doesn't tell the whole story.  Shoot the scale.  My arms, legs, back, chest, belly are all much more defined.  I've lost inches everywhere and it shows.  I'm converting my fat to muscle.  Am I going to go enter a fitness competition tomorrow?  NO - but I'm healthier and THAT is my goal.  I'm not looking to win awards with my body.  I'm looking for long term health and being healthier for my life, for me and my family.  That is all that matters.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


So I woke up in the middle of the night on my left side.  Lots of neck and shoulder pain and it hurt to try and get up.  I could feel it down the back of my neck and shoulder.  My preferred sleeping side is my right side, but I've never had an issue sleeping on my left.  I was really starting to feel better yesterday and thought I was past this and going to do Yoga today and bang out CVX & Dynamix tomorrow.  As it turns out that is not the case at all.  Instead I am left hoping that I'll be able to start working out again on Monday.  It really pisses me off.

Things I have learned:

  1. Replace my pillow immediately.  
  2. Tiger Balm is apparently nothing more than an overpriced Icy Hot
  3. My wife apparently can only give 1 min massages 
  4. Keep stretching
  5. Not being able to workout really has messed with me mentally.  It puts me in a very foul mood.
We are supposed to do measurements today.  So I'll be posting progress pictures, measurements and all that jazz.  Joy

Friday, February 14, 2014

P90x3 completion, Shakeology and next program chosen

OK - so the last couple days (today and yesterday) I've been battling muscle issues.  My calves are so so so sore from Insanity on Tuesday night.   My neck and shoulder are coming along after some freak sleep injury (totally dumb).  I'm getting better, which is the key.  I barely got just over 2/3 of my workout yesterday and today I didn't even bother.  I just decided to let my body rest.  I'm still trying to talk my mind into it being OK - but still.

My biggest concern with these injuries is having to repeat a week.  I don't want to do it.  I want to move forward, be done, say I've completed it and move onto my next challenge.  One of my other focuses is that my wife and I are going away to celebrate our birthdays in March.  Its in the middle of March and I thought I had everything lined up so that I would finish P90x3 right before that getaway.  As it turns out, I mis-calculated or something.  I don't know what the hell went wrong.  All I know is that I have 5 weeks left and that'll bring me to March 23rd being my end date.  Our getaway will be the 13th to the 16th.  So no matter what my routine is going to get shaken up a little bit.  I'm not going to be able to finish by my desired time and I need to be OK with it.  Honestly my biggest thing with that is I wanted to have some cheats and maybe even over-indulge a little bit while away without risking my day 90 completion pics.  Is that wrong?  Is there something wrong with me?  I have no idea.  lol  I definitely want to show people what you can truly accomplish when you commit for 90 days and I'm afraid of tarnishing that with my cheats.  That being said, my wife and I don't get away often at all.  Our last one was about 7 yrs ago, so I am going to enjoy it.

In short I guess - it doesn't matter if I have to repeat this week or not.  I'm not going to hit my desired end date, there is no getting around that.  What I really need to focus on is getting past these piddly injuries so I can finish the program strong.  Get the best results I possibly can.  That is the end of that.

Shakeology - I'm starting back up with it next week. It should have already shipped (need to confirm that) and I'm pretty excited about it. I believe it is going to help me take my health and fitness to the next level.  It has been sometime since I've had it and that was a decision my wife and I made together.  She has always been extremely supportive of my fitness journey and I, hers.  From a financial stand point though I couldn't justify it.  We've made some changes in our budget so that it is now possible and I'm happy about it.

Next program considerations.  Let us be honest, I own a lot of Beachbody programs.  A LOT.  Which one would think "he should be so frigin fit he could be one of the instructors".  Like I said, I OWN a lot of them.  I didn't say I've done a lot of them.  It has taken me a long time to get my head straight and COMMIT to what I need to do to be healthy.  Yes, I have been dragged backwards by my own decisions (make no mistake, it was always MY decisions ultimately).  Some programs that we as a family own:  Power90 (my first program so so so many years ago and I got in awesome shape back then).  P90X, P90X+, P90X3, Slim In Six, Chalene Extreme, Turbo Fire, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, T25, Insanity, Shaun T's Fit Club for Kids, Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer.  Yeah - I think that's it.  With ALL those listed... do you think I need to BUY something else?  Probably not.

My objective is to keep my workouts short, so I don't have to get up any earlier than I already do (hello 4:55AM!).  As I've stated before, my wife is going to have hip replacement surgery and while she is recovering I'll be really busy with life.  Work, kids, house, etc...  I'm totally OK with that.  It's what I signed up for when I said "I do".  With that though, there is absolutely no reason why I need to let my health and fitness level and decline.  Especially since I have a plethora of options.

My wife's recovery time is at a MINIMUM of 6 weeks before she will be ready for more "regular" activities.  I will NOT rush her.  It takes however long it takes.  The goal is to get her healthy and let her reclaim the quality of life she hasn't had in many years now.  With that in mind, and my desire to have short workouts just to insure I can get them in, I've decided I'm going to go with a modified version of T25.  We have all 3 phases (ALPHA, BETA & GAMMA).  It is the program that helped me get healthy again.  It helped me get a tighter core and eliminate the lower back issues I have had for years.  It helped me cardio vascularly.  It is less than 30 minutes from start to finish (with cool downs).  I can't say enough good things about it.  Now it is 5 weeks for each the ALPHA & BETA phases.  It is not my intent to do 5 weeks of ALPHA.  There are ZERO weights involved with ALPHA and I just can't see myself doing it.  I plan on doing maybe two weeks of ALPHA and then 5 of BETA and then onto the 4 weeks of GAMMA.  I'll likely do 30 burpees a day every day during that just so I can get some additional strength stuff in there.  I don't want to lose the muscularity look that I've started to gain from both T25 (everything non-ALPHA phase) and P90x3.  I still need to be fit though and I think this will help.  When I am ready to start GAMMA I'll revisit the situation and see how I want to move forward after GAMMA.  Will it be P90X3 again?  Will I move onto Body Beast, Les Mills, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, something new?  Who knows.  Beachbody has a TON of options for me nowadays and for that I'm happy.  My kids see that and they want to be healthy.  They want to exercise.  They want to eat good/healthy food and that is what I want as a parent.  To put them in a position to be the healthiest they can be so they can succeed in life with whatever they choose to do.  Hopefully I can do that.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Shakeology, Beachbody coaching, injuries

Let me start by saying this.  If you want to be healthy, you need to eat REAL food.  REAL FOOD.  Let me see if I can give you a little more detail.  R-E-A-L   F-O-O-D.  What does that mean?  It means if the ingredients of whatever it is you are eating is something that you can't pronounce, you can't read, you can't grow (like fruits & vegetables) or catch & kill (fish, steak, pork, chicken) then its not real food.  Stay the F away from processed crap.  That means the bags of chips, the pop tarts, anything in the frigin Keebler family is not something you want to live off of.  Different people have different opinions about what else should be included in this mix.  Milk, dairy, pasta, etc...   To each is own.  My opinion, start with getting rid of processed foods and then see if your body needs more intake changes to change the outcome.

To complement the REAL FOOD and give your body as much possible healthy nutrition as it can get, there are supplements that are made up of real foods.  Some would say super foods.  Shakeology is one of those.  Let me just say, it is every bit as healthy as they (Beachbody) make it out to be.  Go ahead, look at the ingredients.  AMAZING.  Lots of things that I would definitely not get in on my daily intake.  I eat lots of fruits, veggies (all organic) not to mention grass fed beef, antibiotic free chicken, uncured & nitrate free pork.  I'm still not as healthy as I can be.  So I've decided to re-introduce Shakeology into my daily nutrition and I'm going to use it as a meal replacement (very common).  It is pricey, but the health benefits are worth it.  Fortunately my wife and I have figured out a way that our family can afford it.

To help off-set the cost of Shakeology I signed up to be a Beachbody coach.  Why?  Initially it was just to get discounts on great products I believe in (like Shakeology, P90X3, T25, etc..).  Products that I have used and have worked to help me, easily improve my health and quality of life.  It has also helped me motivate others into improving the quality of their life and taking charge of their health.

Now let me make it clear - I have never, ever been a coach.  I have been fortunate enough though to be part of a group of a couple hundred like minded individuals who daily are using the products to try and improve their health.  Improve their life and lift others.  It's amazing to be a part of it.  I am right there with them.  Sharing in their successes.  Helping pick them up after they've had a misstep or injury.  Motivating them, encouraging them to keep going on and moving forward.  They have done the same right back to me when I needed it the most.  What have I learned during that process?  I really like being part of the process.  I like doing these things that coaches do.  No - they can't do the work for you so that you can be successful.  That is your job.  They can help guide you down the path of success, show you where the pitfalls are so you can avoid them and help you learn from mistakes they have made.  It is really awesome to be part of.  That is one of the reasons WHY I am choosing to delve into this and actually be a coach to help people.  Not just pay to be a coach to get a discount.  I'm a bit clueless in regards to this whole process, so once again I'm leaning on my support system to help me through it.  Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

Now moving onto injuries.  I've been fortunate to be relatively injury free while working my way back to a healthy me.  I've had a weak lower back and weak knees throughout the journey, all that stuff is behind me now though.  My back hasn't been an issue in a long time.  My "core" is the strongest its been in years.  My knees are a lot better.  I used to have a lot of pain there and its been a process, but as I've gotten stronger that pain is gone.  I'm pretty happy about that.  This is not the case for everyone.  Injuries are real and they do happen.  You do have to listen to your body and rest when it needs rest.

My wife and I have been going back and forth about me resting.  She has been insisting I need to rest my body more.  I've been feeling so great that I've been insisting I need to pick it up a notch.  I've added "mini" workouts to my regular workouts in an effort to increase my health and results.  These mini workouts are challenges like the 30 day Spartan burpee challenge.  30 burpees each day for 30 days.  TOUGH.  Its been a great benefit to me.  I even went and did Fit Club this week, which was insanity.  Literally.  It was Shaun T's Insanity Pure Cardio.  That whooped my ass.  Kudos to anyone who has done this program start to finish.  Definitely tough.  I think I've come a long way in my fitness level and I believe I could do this program and see some amazing results, but I'm not doing it just yet.

From doing Insanity my calves are KILLING ME.  I've been doing P90x3 for the past 2 months and Tony doesn't really do cardio.  Shaun T does cardio.  He does cardio to exhaustion.  Crazy.  Calves are still sore, but I'm proud of how well I did during that Insanity session.  That being said - my body is tired.  It's wasted.  This morning I woke up and my body said enough was enough.  I clearly slept wrong and muscles in my neck and shoulder aren't happy. Super tight and sore.  I tried to push through my workout (Pilates X) and it didn't work out so well.  Fortunately this is a transition week for me.  I'll see how I feel in the morning, but right now I'm leaning towards resting.  It'll drive me nuts - but I need to listen to my body.  I'm not helping it by hurting it more.

This weekend is the end of Block 2.  I need to take some pictures and take measurements to measure my progress.  I'm very much looking forward to seeing how much progress I've made.  Until then....

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Prepping for my 2nd "Transition Week", New weigh in day, Next program considerations

The week started off really bad with Amelia being sick with walking pneumonia.  She is MUCH better now.  However that resulted in me missing the first 2 days of the week of workouts due to complete lack of sleep.  I'm 1 workout behind with 1 day left in the week, meaning I'll have to do a double tomorrow.  No biggie.

I've changed my weigh in day from Sunday nights to Saturday mornings.  It just makes more sense to me.  Saturday night is my cheat meal and although one meal shouldn't make a big difference, it can.  Especially if you have a couple of alcoholic beverages with it.

Weigh in this morning was 173.2lbs.  Still not where I want to be, but getting closer.  Very much looking forward to my transition week.

It seems as though everyone in this house has been sick lately.  Christie, then Amelia, then Kiera... repeat cycle and mix me in every now and then.  I'm still rundown and I don't see myself getting past that until after the transition week maybe.  MAYBE.  I want to really push hard in that last block of P90X3.  I want to see what my results are going to be when its all done.  I feel like I need to mix in some cardio or something, but I likely won't.  I have to be honest there.  I like to get my workout in and just be done for the day.  It sets the tone for my whole day.  We'll see.

I'm still undecided on what doing for my next program.  One thing to be certain is there will be a continuation of working out.  There will likely be a NEW program.  What?  I don't know just yet.  I have 6 weeks left of P90X3.  I want to have my new program figured out within the next 4 weeks.  I've thought of Les Mills Pump or Combat, neither of which I own (YET).  I've thought of the 21 Day Fix, because I've considered that maybe my portion sizes may be a little out of whack and that could help me in that area.  That is really such a short term routine though.  3 weeks.  I've considered Insanity and I have that one, but I'd have to preview it first.  My concern with Insanity is it'll be too much like T25 but longer.  I really enjoy being done with my workouts in 30 min or less.  Its going to be tough to take on something longer than 30 min.  It'll also be tough to take on something that doesn't have weights in it.  Lots to figure out.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

End of Week 2, block 2

OK - so Thursday night I came down really sick and was exhausted.  I did not workout at all on Friday and it really really bugged me.  Hell I felt like such shit I even called into work.  You know how often that happens?  I think it was the fourth or fifth time in the last 15 years.  Yeah - that often.

Saturday night we actually went out and it was nice to get out and just have a night away from the kiddos.  We went out to one old stomping ground and had a pub platter of apps.  We split that and each had a beer.  Both pretty full from that.  Moved on and went to the pet store to pick up food for the shithead dog.  Then to Home Depot so we could get stuff so we can hang a Bruins flag.  We then moved onto food destination #2 which guess what... another app and another beer each.  We split an order of buffalo calamari.  It was OK.  The beer was good.  We then each had a water while we split a piece of chocolate cake with a scoop of what apparently was vanilla bean ice cream on it.  Nothing crazy and honestly much more reserved from a "normal" night out.  We finished off our big date night at  BJs shopping for who knows what.  Shoot me, I'm apparently old enough to be at retirement age but not enjoying any of the benefits.

Since I missed my workout on Friday I was really concerned about having to repeat week 2 of block 2 and I don't want to do that.  I don't want to fall behind.  Also, block 2 has some really fun stuff in it - but it also has some stuff in it that I am not really a fan of (Triometrics, Eccentric Lower).  I managed to do Incinerator on Saturday morning before the girls activities.  Sunday I doubled up and did MMX & Dynamix.  MMX really gets you moving.  By the time Dynamix was done I was totally wasted.

I weighed myself just for the sake of weighing myself.  I knew it wasn't going to be what I was hoping for.  Not after a night of a couple beers and some fried food.  176.6lbs.  It will flush out, so I'm not too worried about it.  Week 7 starts tomorrow.  Really have to push myself harder.