Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30 (Day 69) - P90X [Day 23]

P90X - Core Synergistics (58 minutes)

I can't say enough good things about this workout.  It just works you up and down.  It's PHENOMENAL.  You feel fantastic when its all said and done.  It is tough.  Definitely not easy, but so so so good.

What has always driven me nuts about this workout is that you have to wait until the recovery weeks to experience it.  Then you get to do it twice in that week and then not again for another 4 weeks.  Its a long workout, but it works all muscles.  It really does.  Even as I'm sitting here I can feel it in my quads, my arms, my chest, back, abdomen.  Crazy good stuff.

Tomorrow is Kenpo X.  A workout I haven't done in probably a year.  All I can think about is hearing Tony Horton say "Hit with your hip & your body.... Hit with your hip & your body".  Hopefully its a good workout.  At least with it happening during the week I can't miss it.  :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29 (Day 68) - P90X [Day 22]


Yoga X this morning (40 minutes).  First and foremost, if anyone has followed me - I can't stand Yoga.  I didn't like it last year and just because its a year later, don't think I have love for it because some time has passed.  Its still a phenomenal workout.

So why only 40 minutes of it?  I was struggling this morning.  I woke up and was still exhausted from my weekend where I didn't sleep very well.  My head was POUNDING.  Really bad headache.  My ears hurt. Still, I had missed 4 days in a row and I felt really fat and said... is this what you want?  Is this the road that quitters go down?  Do you really want to be fat forever?  So I did the Yoga, but my right wrist was hurting really bad.  Not sure why.  Either way - I used my push up bars to help take the pressure off my wrists while I went through the whole 15+ minute vinyasa series.  By the time I was halfway through that series my wrist was feeling better and I could put my weight on it and do things without the push up bars, so that's what I did.

Also I'd like to add that this morning I stole my wife's Yoga block.  It helped for sure.  I didn't have to stretch as far as I normally try to.  At the same time you can use this as a tool to be lazier.  lol  I think I found that to be the combination.  Yes, it made it so I could keep better form and not have to stretch quite as far, but it made me a little lazier to the point where I didn't work as hard for the exercise.

Tomorrow - CORE Synergistics.  I remember this being one of my absolute favorite workouts.  I haven't done any sort of Ab workout in weeks, so lets see what I think of it tomorrow.  lol

April 28 (Day 67) - P90X [Day 21] MISSED!

Embarrassing at this point.  Who misses 4 days in a row?  This asshole, that's who.  I have no excuses.  Technically in P90X it was a rest day.  I guess that is for the people that are actually DOING the program.  Such a slacker.  I've got to find a way to be more effective with everything on the weekends.

April 27 (Day 66) - P90X [Day 20] MISSED!

Saturdays (weekend in general) is always fucking crazy.  No exception.  This weekend I was on call as well.  Which meant I had to be actively logged into a few different systems at all times.  Being my first time I've experienced being "on call" I probably spent too many cycles actively waiting for work.  I've learned that going forward, during the days - I should have more time than expected and I can make time for my workout.

April 26 (Day 65) - P90X [Day 19] MISSED!

The cold definitely kicked my ass and I didn't even wake up with the alarm.  I just slept.  It felt great.

April 25 (Day 64) - P90X [Day 18] MISSED!

Battling a cold - used it as an excuse to miss Yoga.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24 (Day 63) - P90X [Day 17]

P90X - Shoulders & Arms (44 minutes) [skipped bonus]

Great workout.  I was really hungry before I started the workout so for the first time in a couple weeks I had  a rice cake with peanut butter on it.  It gave me what I needed to push through the workout.  I was able to go up in weight on some of the shoulder exercises and most of the triceps exercises.  I did a max of 33 reps on the chair dips.  I definitely think my triceps are my strongest part of my routine.  Felt good, despite lack of sleep..... or more accurately, really broken sleep.

In addition to the craptacular night sleep I woke up feeling like I got beat up.  lol  Whats up with that?  All down the sides of my ribs were sore.  Both sides of my body, but the left side was worse.  It's kind of like the lat muscle, but I don't know.  I definitely need a really good stretch.  Yoga tomorrow, maybe that will help.  I've got to remember to grab Christie's yoga block.

Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23 (Day 62) - P90X [Day 16]

P90X - Cardio X (44 minutes)

I really don't like this workout.  Its labelled as a "cardio" workout.  I guess everything needs a label.  Personally I don't feel it really gets the heart & lungs pumping much.  That's my opinion.  You spend a couple minutes warming up.  Follow it up with a few minutes stretching and then onto several minutes of Yoga.  Finish that up and then they actually want to do some cardio!  What a thought!!  It took you 15 minutes to get there, but they are going to have you working your heart & lungs with actual cardio in a routine labelled Cardio X.  Holy Crap.  I never thought I'd see the day.

Let me continue on my rant about this workout and just mention "Wacky Jacks".  What are wacky jacks? Quite possibly the dumbest fucking exercise known to man.  I'm including a video link so everyone can see just how dumb this exercise is.  I think farting gets my heart rate up more than this exercise does.


I chose this video only so you could be distracted by this woman's large breasts bouncing around.  Its got to be better than watching/doing that dumb fucking exercise.

You do some Kenpo stuff in there.  You also do some core stuff.  The core stuff is tough.  Superman to Banana?  HOLLY CRAP.  I forgot just how much that thing worked you.  Tough tough tough.  Loved it though.

Bottom line if Plyometrics is too tough on your knees (it is for me right now) then this is what is recommended as the alternative.  Is it less pressure on your knees?  YES.  Is it comparable to Plyo as a cardio workout? NOT EVEN CLOSE.  Not even remotely close.

Tomorrow the glory muscles workout.  Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps.  Looking forward to it.  Got to try and finish this week strong because next week is a recovery week.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22 (Day 61) - P90X [Day 15]

P90X - Chest & Back (52 minutes) (skipped Ab Ripper X)

Pretty tough workout this morning.  Just goes to show I've got to start treating my body better on the weekends.  I definitely slack on the big 3 on the weekends.  Water, healthy eating & sleep.

While I wasn't at my strongest this morning I still had a good workout.  I definitely struggled on anything "pull up" related.  All other back/chest exercises I did fairly well.  Again, not my best performance but still a good one.

In other news I'd just like to announce that on Friday I had a follow up for my blood work.  My cholesterol went down over 120 points.  I believe it was 288 before and it dropped to 164.  My Dr was ecstatic.  I do want to state that I do take medication for my cholesterol but at the 288 reading I had not been taking it at all.  After that reading I made a conscious effort to pack my cholesterol pill & vitamins in my lunch box and bring it with me every day.  So if nothing else I get that 5 days a week, which is pretty good.  My Dr said that typically with the use of the pill they would see the cholesterol drop 30 - 40 points.  To see it drop as much as I did he attributed that to the cleaner eating (removing a ton of processed foods, breads, soda, etc...) and regular exercise.  I don't go back until January but providing that I keep my ass on track I can't wait to go back and see the changes and hopefully see about getting off the medication all together.

Tomorrow - we'll give that Cardio X another shot.

April 21 (Day 60) - P90X [Day 14] MISSED!

This was supposed to be X Stretch or Rest.  Well damn it.  I rested.  I took that hour and napped.  Don't judge me.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 20 (Day 59) - P90X [Day 13] MISSED!

Saturday's are tough.  Don't know what else to day.  Tomorrow is X Stretch and I could definitely use it.

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19 (Day 58) - P90X [Day 12]

P90X - Legs & Back  (58 minutes)

Just like last weeks workout, but with less energy.  I should get more sleep.

No dedicated ab workout.  Maybe another time.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18 (Day 57) - P90X [Day 11]

P90X - Yoga X [part 1] (46 minutes)

I procrastinated a little bit this morning.  I wasn't really "up" for Yoga.  Its not my first choice in all honesty.  It is however an amazing strength workout.  It really is.  If someone has never done this workout and doesn't think that this will work their body and challenge them, then they are dead wrong.  There are no weights here.  The resistance that you face is your own body and what it can do.  Simply an amazing workout and I once again didn't do all of it.

Honestly - when Tony gets to the "Warrior III" pose or "Half moon" or "Half moon twist", yeah... you've lost me.  I can only balance so much.  I can only bend so much.  I'm not Adam the crazy dancer, trainer, super fit guy.

Overall I did well again.  Some challenges with the triangle pose and prayer twist, but my strength & balance are getting better.  I was sweaty, my body was shaking.  I was definitely tired of doing fucking vinyasa sequences.  How many times do you want me to go to plank, down to chataranga, up to upward dog and then do a push-up and do downward dog?  HOW MANY TIMES?!?!?!  Totally crazy.  Next time I will have to steal my wife's Yoga block for that routine.

One side note... seemed to have hurt my right hip a little.  Not sure what's up with that.  Something definitely doesn't feel right.  Maybe some sort of alignment issue.  I'm sure I'll break the other side soon enough and everything will be evened back out.  :)

Up tomorrow?  Legs & Back.  I can hear those wall squats calling my name.  They have already made me their bitch.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17 (Day 56) - P90X [Day 10]

P90X - Shoulders & Arms (44 minutes)

I didn't do the bonus material.  I did 4 rounds and that was good enough for me.  I love this workout.  Very simple.  Very straight forward.  Shoulder exercise, followed by biceps, followed by triceps.  Finish that and go back and do those same 3 exercises again and that is round 1 done.  Keep going with new exercises until you finish 4 rounds.

Great workout.  I was pretty excited for it.  I had a concert last night so I only got about 4 or 5 hrs sleep.  It was really tough to get out of bed this morning.  I almost didn't do it.  Which the wife wasn't moving too quickly on that either.  After I got up, she got up though.  We definitely kind of hold each other accountable.

Its a great workout.  I saw improvements on somethings.  Definitely some weights went up for some exercises.  I had some reps go up on certain things as well.  A couple of exercises though I also had reps go down too.  Just keep working at it.

Up tomorrow... YOGA!  I was encouraged by last week's yoga workout.  I'm hoping for similar results tomorrow providing I get some decent sleep.

April 16 (Day 55) - P90X [Day 9] MISSED!

P90X - Cardio X (15 minutes)

I got up to do this workout instead of Plyometrics.  My knees and legs in general are not strong enough to do Plyometrics at this time.  I still need to do a workout in this routine so I chose Cardio X as my substitute. I got about 15 minutes into this workout and stopped.  I couldn't do it.  I was very tired, unmotivated and honestly a little depressed since it wasn't Plyometrics.  Its still a workout, but its a step back from Plyo.

Essentially I allowed myself to quit, which really sucks.  That mistake is on me.  Just have to do better the next day.

April 15 (Day 54) - P90X [Day 8]

P90X - Chest & Back (58 minutes)

Great workout.  Skipped Ab Ripper X.  Simply ran out of time.  I did improve in some areas.  More reps, more weight, etc...  No complaints.

April 14 (Day 53) - P90X [Day 7] MISSED!

It was a Sunday, I was busy as I chose not to get up at 4:30AM to do a workout.  Sue me.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 13 (Day 52) - P90X [Day 6] MISSED!

MISSED.  No excuses.  Didn't get done.

Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12 (Day 51) - P90X [Day 5]

P90X - Legs & Back (58 minutes)

Good workout.  Definitely things to improve on.  Overall a good workout.  My right knee was very creeky.  I don't know how else to describe it.  Clearly lots of improvement can be done on my knee/leg strength... which is the only reason why I did this damn workout. I am very happy though that it was strong enough to let me do the things I needed to do to improve it.  Baby step in the right direction.

What I did not do, AbRipper X.  Why? Again, another 20 minutes added onto a workout I don't need right now.  Oh trust me, I know my abs need all the work they can get.  I just don't need to delay my morning by another 20 minutes, that's all.  Maybe I'll do the TH200 later today.... maybe I won't.  It is after all fun Friday. 

Until tomorrow, which I believe to be Yoga X.  I'll have to confirm though before I get up and do the wrong workout.  later

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11 (Day 50) - P90X [Day 4]

P90X - Yoga X [part 1] (46 minutes)

Yoga-X (for those who haven't done it) is a 91 minute video.  Personally, that is fucking insanity.  Who has that type of time to do a single workout?  Not me.  I did the first half.  Personally I thought I did awesome with it too.  I don't know why, but I felt really really strong throughout most of it.  My flexibility appears to be pretty good.  It wasn't until the very end when they started doing some crazy ass half moon something or other moves that I had to bow out.  I watched them to kind of familiarize myself with the moves so maybe next time I can give them a try.  I'm not going to be balancing on 1 straight leg though, with my arms and other leg, and torso completely parallel to the ground.  Crazy.  Tony is VERY impressive when he does Yoga.  Me, not so much.  I did enjoy it and felt really strong after doing it.

Until tomorrow.  Legs & Back.  I don't like working my legs and my right knee still hurts.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10 (Day 49) - P90X [Day 3]

P90X - Shoulders & Arms (46 minutes)

For the record, this workout is about 1 hr long if you do the bonus round.  If you add in the Ab Ripper X workout that should follow it then you have 1 hr 20 minutes.  I started this workout at 7:30PM, so I was not looking to finish up at 9PM.  Especially when I need to be up at 4:30AM to do at least 1/2 of the 90 minute Yoga X workout waiting for me. 

This workout is phenomenal.  I LOVE it.  It's called the glory muscles.  Why?  Shoulders and Arms.  Someone calls it "the gun show", it might be Tony Horton that calls it that.  lol  Either way, its just a fun workout and you can see the pump in the muscles so it gets you excited about the progress your body is making. 

Pretty straight forward routine.  You do a shoulder exercise, followed by a bicep, then a tricep.  Finish those 3 sets and then repeat them.  When you have finished those (2) sets for each muscle group then you have finished the first round.  I did the (4) rounds of this workout.  I did not do the bonus round.  Again, just a great workout.  Really enjoyed it.  I'm not really looking forward to the next 3 days of workouts, but I recognize they are part of the schedule so I'll honor the schedule. 

Up tomorrow - Yoga X.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9 (Day 48) - P90X [Day 2]

P90X - Plyometrics (42 minutes).

The workout itself is actually 60 minutes.  I did do some modifications for this workout because of concerns for my knees.  As it turns out I didn't do enough.  lol  My right knee was hurt before I finished.  I tried to to keep pushing on but the "Rockstar" move where you jump up like you are strumming a guitar in the air and come back down.  My knees just couldn't take it anymore.

I kept my heart rate between 130 - 150 AT THIS TIME.  Probably not as high as I could get it, certainly I expect the intensity to pick up as I go along.  However it was good to know where it was at during this workout.

Next week I'm thinking of doing Cardio-X.  I'll be honest.  I don't particularly care for Cardio-X and do feel it is quite the inferior workout to Plyometrics.  However, I need to do something for Tuesdays.  Plyo is too much on my legs/knees at this time, so until they get stronger Cardio-X will have to fill the void. 

I'm not sure what tomorrow is.  I think its a dedicated arm workout.  That should be fun.  I can say that my shoulders and forearms still hurt from the chest/back workout I did on Monday.  I take it as "I'm building new muscles".  lol  Until then.

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8 (Day 47) - P90X [Day 1]

P90X - Chest & Back (53 minutes) Ab Ripper X (3 minutes)

So it begins again.  My quest to complete P90X.  I got about 60 days through this program last time before I quit on it.  Not because of the program.  The program is exceptional.  It was just a REALLY busy time in life with many things going on outside of my health and I stopped making time for this.  No excuses, that is in the past.  I'm glad that my brother's basement is finished and his wife now has her home daycare business.  Most importantly, that project is behind us and all those deadlines.

Today was kind of a feel out process.  I was reminded how much I really like the workout and the exercises chosen for this workout.  Those are some of the positives.  Some of the negatives is that I'm not as strong as I used to be.  That's a temporary negative, because I know I'll get there.  I can't really control the strength part - that will come in time as I continue to work through the program.  Certainly I understand that.  The effort though is something I can control.  Too many times I think perhaps I stopped too soon.  Maybe I was losing form a little, maybe I stopped because I had a certain number in my head that I was trying to reach and I got there.  I need to push harder though.... I guess that is my point.

Intensity?  I'm not sure it was completely there.  I was definitely excited and nervous to start up P90X today.
Strength? Kind of already beat that one.  It's not where it once was, but it will be there again.

I'm already cringing thinking about tomorrow.  Plyometrics.  The mother of all workouts.  Yeah, that's right Tony.  I remember what the fuck you call it.  I'll be there with my little mop and bucket bitch.  I won't be happy about it either.   Also though I know I won't get a better workout.  Until then.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7 (Day 46)

Missed workout.  I had every intentions of getting up and doing X Stretch, but I instead stayed in bed this morning and then the kids got up, then the day got busy.  I did spent 4 or 5 hrs at my brothers house helping him, but hey.... this is a frigin workout blog, not a life journal. 

Tomorrow P90X.  Should be insane.  I'm not where I want to be, but definitely going in the direction I want to go.  Wish me luck.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6 (Day 45)

Power90 3-4 Strength (38 minutes)

Pretty good workout.  I did not have the energy that I had for Friday's workout when I felt I could have jumped over tall buildings.  I think my biggest challenge was the lack of sleep.  I've really slept poorly the past few nights and I don't know how to correct that. 

One disappointment I had was when you do wide push ups.  I've been doing the 20 reps that they do typically without too much issue.  I got 15 and then had to go to my knees (no, I'm not a prostitute).  I got all 20 reps, just not in the form I wanted.  The rest of the workout I was pretty strong in.  That could be because I had to run upstairs a couple times (and pause my workout) to deal with Kiera.  She didn't know it wasn't a school day so she thought 5:30 would be a good time to get up today.  UGH.  No, its not a good time.  Then she finally came out of her room and wandered the house around 6 and that is when I wrangled her in so she wouldn't wake up the rest of the house and I could go back to the basement and finish my workout. 

Pretty strong today on the lunges/squats.  A little surprised by that.  I know its not going to mean much when it comes time for Plyometrics on Tuesday (holy hell).  Whatever.  That's next week when I start P90X. 

Tomorrow, treat my body to a great stretch (X Stretch) after I help my brother out with his garage.  Then maybe take my girls to the playground or something.  Should be a nice day outside.  Until then.

Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5 (Day 44)

Power90 3-4 Cardio (42 minutes) TH200 Abs (6 minutes)

RIDICULOUS.  That's how that was.  I can not recall a time when I had that much energy and intensity.  Its been a while since everything came together like that for a workout.  AWESOME.  I can't possibly say enough good things about that.  I didn't just push play this morning.  I stepped up and obliterated that workout.  No pausing.  No unexpected stops.  Nothing.  No issues with breathing, although I clearly still have some heavy mucus in my body and some congestion.  It was just full throttle from beginning to end.  I had just as much energy at the end of my workout as I did in the beginning.  How does that happen?  It's like a had a shot of Red Bull or something.  Geesh.

TH200 abs.  It took me a little bit longer to do the 200 reps.  Maybe an additional 20 - 30 seconds, but I got all 200.  Bicycles which are the next to last exercise I crushed.  Felt really good about that.  Total body crunches?  Egh.  My form could have been better and I did have to stop and start a couple times during that to get to the whole 20 reps.  Whatever.  Its done. 

Not sure what else I'm doing today but I've got to do something.  I've got some energy baby.  Don't waste it!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4 (Day 43)

Power90 3-4 Strength (38 minutes)

This was not an easy workout today.  It took me probably 45 minutes to do this 38 minute workout.  lol  My cold and congestion impacted my breathing and I did have to take breaks after each of the 4 sections.  So essentially I took an extra minute or so after every 9 minutes of workouts.  Whatever.  Shoot me.

I just completed the Shakeology Cleanse (Beachbody) and haven't really had anything that I would consider "REAL" food in a few days.  I was really concerned about how that would translate in regards to my energy level to do this workout.  Plus missing the past 3 days with this cold, I was concerned about overall strength to complete the workout.  To my surprise my energy was not an issue at all.  My strength was also not an issue at all.  I was able to pump out as many reps as I would normally do on all the exercises without issue.  In some cases I actually did better today.  My core felt strong when I planked and when I did the push-ups. I try and keep it tight anyway, but it felt REALLY strong.  I don't know why, it hadn't been worked at all for the past 3 days.  Whatever.  It was good.

Overall my body feels really lean right now.  Still muscular but very lean.  That's both good and bad.  lol  Good because I want to be lean again.  Bad because damn it I want muscles!  lol

Tomorrow is Cardio/Abs.  Hoping another day of fluids helps push this cold further out of me and I can have a rocking workout.

PS - I didn't eat ANYTHING before the workout (normally it would be rice cake with PB) as I didn't want to mess with my final weight from the cleanse.

April 4 (Day 43) [Shakeology Cleanse] (Day 23 FINAL results)

I completed the cleanse.  Down 7.6 lbs in total.  Day 3 was not as hard as day 2.  Day 2 was extremely difficult, possibly because I was home ALL day.  And the fact that I was sick.  Yesterday (day 3) was not difficult at all.

Just like the other days I had (3) shakes.  My first shake had 1 cup of frozen strawberries in it.  The other (2) shakes did not have any fruit in them at all.  I did have 1 cup of grapes throughout the remainder of the day to fill the void.  Last night we had huge salads with 4.5oz of chicken in them.  The usual gallon plus of water.

Conclusion?  It worked.  I lost 7.6 lbs.  That fucking scale doesn't lie.  I started this at 198 lbs and today I was 190.4 lbs (AFTER my workout and shower).  Was I hungry during it? DEFINITELY at times.  Especially on day 2.  My energy wasn't always there, but again - this could have been due to me battling a cold.  Cold is doing much better by the way.  This morning I had my first workout of the week and despite not a great sleep night I still had plenty of strength for the actual workout.  Can't complain about that.

Would I do it again?  I don't know.  I just don't know.  I'd be hard pressed to.  I would have to be really struggling to get rid of those last few pounds to reach a goal weight or something.  I'd rather just keep doing my best to eat healthy and getting up and push play rather than go through this again.  I felt too deprived during the process.  Only time will tell though if I go through this.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3 (Day 42) [Shakeology Cleanse] (Day 2 results)

Still sick, no workout this morning.  I feel better in some regards but still definitely sick.  My head has some congestion.  Gotta flush it out.  I miss my exercising.  I miss the feeling when a workout is done.  The lungs pumping.  Blood flow to all the muscles.  I miss it all.  Looking forward to getting back to it.  Hopefully tomorrow.  This is SO not how my week was supposed to go before P90X.

After 2 days of this damn cleanse I can say I'm down officially 6.4lbs  I weighed myself this morning and I was 191.6lbs (starting weight was 198lbs).  I honestly have no idea where the weight is coming off of.  I do not feel thinner.  I don't feel better about myself.  Actually I feel like my pants aren't fitting quite as well as they were before this and my stomach looks fatter to me.  The weight loss number, is just a number right now.  Yes, I'm happy to once again be in the low 190's, but I would have gotten there eventually anyway.  I would have done it without feeling like I'm starving myself and to me, that is the healthiest thing.

From what I can tell (besides helping lose some weight) all this process has done is make me want to absolutely pig out.  Some people may say "wow, you lost X amount of weight and your still fat, so that just goes to show you that your food choices before weren't good.  Stay on the lean side and you'll be good".  Most other people would say "wow, you lost X amount of weight, that's great, definitely tough parting with all those things you love.  Now its time to enjoy those things again".  I'm definitely one of those latter people who is currently saying "time to enjoy those things again".  What do I want most right now?  A big FAT, juicy bacon burger with tomato all wrapped in lettuce.  OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.  I don't need fries. I don't need onion rings or anything else.  Just the burger please.  At least an 8oz burger.

This may be premature to ask this question and try to answer it, but here is the question:  Would I do this again?  Right now I will give this question a definitive NO.  I would not do this again.  Could I change my mind on that?  YES.  If this truly does jumpstart the weight loss process and get my body flushing the fat that I want gone, then yeah.... maybe I'd consider doing it again.  MAYBE.  Honestly though I don't eat poorly and nutrition wise I'm usually pretty good.  So to give up so many things again, even if it is for just 3 days, to go through this.  It would be a hard sell.  A really hard sell.  I'd need some time to pass so I could forget how difficult this process really was.  Kind of like when you have a baby.  It's hard, real hard.  You get rewarded from it, but its still hard hard work.  Then they get to the point where they are a bit more self sufficient, a toddler.  You forget about how difficult the day to day was with the baby.  Which is why you give in and have another one.  lol

Until tomorrow.  Tomorrow I'll post my final "cleanse" results.  No matter what the results, this has been a learning experience.  I've learned what shakes from Shakeology taste like.  I've learned I prefer REAL food over liquid meal substitutions.  I've also learned that a salad can be the most delicious thing in the whole wide world.... if you are hungry enough.  lol

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2 (Day 41) [Shakeology Cleanse]

No exercise.  Sick.  Not happy.  Whatever.

Cleanse - I weighed myself this morning before I started with the fluids I'm supposed to do for this cleanse.  I was down to 194 lbs.  Down 4 lbs.  Its great, but is it great?  I'm happy to be down the weight that I thought I should have already been down, but at what cost?  Is it truly a result of this cleanse?  Or is it because I flushed out so much of the Chinese food I had Sunday night?  I don't know.  I just don't know.  If I lose another 4 lbs tomorrow I guess we'll know the answer. 

What this has done for me is make me want REAL food.  I'm talking BURGERS.  Yes a real, juicy, beefy, fat drenched burger.  Oh, with BACON on it too.  Ridiculous?  Try and do this damn cleanse and let me know what you want.  I want a damn burger. 

Tomorrow is the FINAL day and Thursday morning I can go back to eating my (2) eggs with veggies.  I'm hoping to be healthy enough to exercise tomorrow morning.  I need more rest though.  It might be another allergy pill before bed and just zonk.  We shall see. Until then.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1 (Day 40) [Shakeology Cleanse]

I worked out.  April Fools!  I didn't.

Started to feel crappy yesterday.  Went downhill quick and woke up with a full blown cold.  I got up at 4:30AM like I normally do to go kick some ass.  I drank my green tea/water.  I started my stretch but felt wobbly.  I couldn't maintain my balance.  My throat hurt.  My nose just kept running.  My eyes were watering.  A mess.  I got through the 4 or 5 minute stretch and then started on PowerYoga.  I needed to stop a couple of times in the first minute because I needed tissues.  At that point I just decided today was not a good idea.  I admitted defeat for my morning and crawled back into bed.

Got up and started getting dressed around 6AM for work and then Christie reminded me that we were doing the 3 day Shakeology cleanse and we needed to weigh ourselves before we started.  My weight was 198lbs.  Higher than I had expected.  I've pushed hard for almost 6 weeks now and I certainly expected a larger amount of weight gone than 2 lbs.  I'm trying not to get caught up on the weight thing because honestly, my body is changing.  I can see it and feel it.  My clothes are fitting quite nicely.  Those are all positives.  All positives.  The weight will come off, I know it will.

I'm hoping to be back on track tomorrow with workouts.  My head is still a little foggy but I'm pumping the water into my system and just trying to flush everything out.  In with the good out with the bad.  We'll see where it gets me.