Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22 (Day 61) - P90X [Day 15]

P90X - Chest & Back (52 minutes) (skipped Ab Ripper X)

Pretty tough workout this morning.  Just goes to show I've got to start treating my body better on the weekends.  I definitely slack on the big 3 on the weekends.  Water, healthy eating & sleep.

While I wasn't at my strongest this morning I still had a good workout.  I definitely struggled on anything "pull up" related.  All other back/chest exercises I did fairly well.  Again, not my best performance but still a good one.

In other news I'd just like to announce that on Friday I had a follow up for my blood work.  My cholesterol went down over 120 points.  I believe it was 288 before and it dropped to 164.  My Dr was ecstatic.  I do want to state that I do take medication for my cholesterol but at the 288 reading I had not been taking it at all.  After that reading I made a conscious effort to pack my cholesterol pill & vitamins in my lunch box and bring it with me every day.  So if nothing else I get that 5 days a week, which is pretty good.  My Dr said that typically with the use of the pill they would see the cholesterol drop 30 - 40 points.  To see it drop as much as I did he attributed that to the cleaner eating (removing a ton of processed foods, breads, soda, etc...) and regular exercise.  I don't go back until January but providing that I keep my ass on track I can't wait to go back and see the changes and hopefully see about getting off the medication all together.

Tomorrow - we'll give that Cardio X another shot.

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