Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4 (Day 43)

Power90 3-4 Strength (38 minutes)

This was not an easy workout today.  It took me probably 45 minutes to do this 38 minute workout.  lol  My cold and congestion impacted my breathing and I did have to take breaks after each of the 4 sections.  So essentially I took an extra minute or so after every 9 minutes of workouts.  Whatever.  Shoot me.

I just completed the Shakeology Cleanse (Beachbody) and haven't really had anything that I would consider "REAL" food in a few days.  I was really concerned about how that would translate in regards to my energy level to do this workout.  Plus missing the past 3 days with this cold, I was concerned about overall strength to complete the workout.  To my surprise my energy was not an issue at all.  My strength was also not an issue at all.  I was able to pump out as many reps as I would normally do on all the exercises without issue.  In some cases I actually did better today.  My core felt strong when I planked and when I did the push-ups. I try and keep it tight anyway, but it felt REALLY strong.  I don't know why, it hadn't been worked at all for the past 3 days.  Whatever.  It was good.

Overall my body feels really lean right now.  Still muscular but very lean.  That's both good and bad.  lol  Good because I want to be lean again.  Bad because damn it I want muscles!  lol

Tomorrow is Cardio/Abs.  Hoping another day of fluids helps push this cold further out of me and I can have a rocking workout.

PS - I didn't eat ANYTHING before the workout (normally it would be rice cake with PB) as I didn't want to mess with my final weight from the cleanse.

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