Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3 (Day 42) [Shakeology Cleanse] (Day 2 results)

Still sick, no workout this morning.  I feel better in some regards but still definitely sick.  My head has some congestion.  Gotta flush it out.  I miss my exercising.  I miss the feeling when a workout is done.  The lungs pumping.  Blood flow to all the muscles.  I miss it all.  Looking forward to getting back to it.  Hopefully tomorrow.  This is SO not how my week was supposed to go before P90X.

After 2 days of this damn cleanse I can say I'm down officially 6.4lbs  I weighed myself this morning and I was 191.6lbs (starting weight was 198lbs).  I honestly have no idea where the weight is coming off of.  I do not feel thinner.  I don't feel better about myself.  Actually I feel like my pants aren't fitting quite as well as they were before this and my stomach looks fatter to me.  The weight loss number, is just a number right now.  Yes, I'm happy to once again be in the low 190's, but I would have gotten there eventually anyway.  I would have done it without feeling like I'm starving myself and to me, that is the healthiest thing.

From what I can tell (besides helping lose some weight) all this process has done is make me want to absolutely pig out.  Some people may say "wow, you lost X amount of weight and your still fat, so that just goes to show you that your food choices before weren't good.  Stay on the lean side and you'll be good".  Most other people would say "wow, you lost X amount of weight, that's great, definitely tough parting with all those things you love.  Now its time to enjoy those things again".  I'm definitely one of those latter people who is currently saying "time to enjoy those things again".  What do I want most right now?  A big FAT, juicy bacon burger with tomato all wrapped in lettuce.  OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.  I don't need fries. I don't need onion rings or anything else.  Just the burger please.  At least an 8oz burger.

This may be premature to ask this question and try to answer it, but here is the question:  Would I do this again?  Right now I will give this question a definitive NO.  I would not do this again.  Could I change my mind on that?  YES.  If this truly does jumpstart the weight loss process and get my body flushing the fat that I want gone, then yeah.... maybe I'd consider doing it again.  MAYBE.  Honestly though I don't eat poorly and nutrition wise I'm usually pretty good.  So to give up so many things again, even if it is for just 3 days, to go through this.  It would be a hard sell.  A really hard sell.  I'd need some time to pass so I could forget how difficult this process really was.  Kind of like when you have a baby.  It's hard, real hard.  You get rewarded from it, but its still hard hard work.  Then they get to the point where they are a bit more self sufficient, a toddler.  You forget about how difficult the day to day was with the baby.  Which is why you give in and have another one.  lol

Until tomorrow.  Tomorrow I'll post my final "cleanse" results.  No matter what the results, this has been a learning experience.  I've learned what shakes from Shakeology taste like.  I've learned I prefer REAL food over liquid meal substitutions.  I've also learned that a salad can be the most delicious thing in the whole wide world.... if you are hungry enough.  lol

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