Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18 (Day 57) - P90X [Day 11]

P90X - Yoga X [part 1] (46 minutes)

I procrastinated a little bit this morning.  I wasn't really "up" for Yoga.  Its not my first choice in all honesty.  It is however an amazing strength workout.  It really is.  If someone has never done this workout and doesn't think that this will work their body and challenge them, then they are dead wrong.  There are no weights here.  The resistance that you face is your own body and what it can do.  Simply an amazing workout and I once again didn't do all of it.

Honestly - when Tony gets to the "Warrior III" pose or "Half moon" or "Half moon twist", yeah... you've lost me.  I can only balance so much.  I can only bend so much.  I'm not Adam the crazy dancer, trainer, super fit guy.

Overall I did well again.  Some challenges with the triangle pose and prayer twist, but my strength & balance are getting better.  I was sweaty, my body was shaking.  I was definitely tired of doing fucking vinyasa sequences.  How many times do you want me to go to plank, down to chataranga, up to upward dog and then do a push-up and do downward dog?  HOW MANY TIMES?!?!?!  Totally crazy.  Next time I will have to steal my wife's Yoga block for that routine.

One side note... seemed to have hurt my right hip a little.  Not sure what's up with that.  Something definitely doesn't feel right.  Maybe some sort of alignment issue.  I'm sure I'll break the other side soon enough and everything will be evened back out.  :)

Up tomorrow?  Legs & Back.  I can hear those wall squats calling my name.  They have already made me their bitch.

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