Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23 (Day 62) - P90X [Day 16]

P90X - Cardio X (44 minutes)

I really don't like this workout.  Its labelled as a "cardio" workout.  I guess everything needs a label.  Personally I don't feel it really gets the heart & lungs pumping much.  That's my opinion.  You spend a couple minutes warming up.  Follow it up with a few minutes stretching and then onto several minutes of Yoga.  Finish that up and then they actually want to do some cardio!  What a thought!!  It took you 15 minutes to get there, but they are going to have you working your heart & lungs with actual cardio in a routine labelled Cardio X.  Holy Crap.  I never thought I'd see the day.

Let me continue on my rant about this workout and just mention "Wacky Jacks".  What are wacky jacks? Quite possibly the dumbest fucking exercise known to man.  I'm including a video link so everyone can see just how dumb this exercise is.  I think farting gets my heart rate up more than this exercise does.


I chose this video only so you could be distracted by this woman's large breasts bouncing around.  Its got to be better than watching/doing that dumb fucking exercise.

You do some Kenpo stuff in there.  You also do some core stuff.  The core stuff is tough.  Superman to Banana?  HOLLY CRAP.  I forgot just how much that thing worked you.  Tough tough tough.  Loved it though.

Bottom line if Plyometrics is too tough on your knees (it is for me right now) then this is what is recommended as the alternative.  Is it less pressure on your knees?  YES.  Is it comparable to Plyo as a cardio workout? NOT EVEN CLOSE.  Not even remotely close.

Tomorrow the glory muscles workout.  Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps.  Looking forward to it.  Got to try and finish this week strong because next week is a recovery week.

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