Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9 (Day 48) - P90X [Day 2]

P90X - Plyometrics (42 minutes).

The workout itself is actually 60 minutes.  I did do some modifications for this workout because of concerns for my knees.  As it turns out I didn't do enough.  lol  My right knee was hurt before I finished.  I tried to to keep pushing on but the "Rockstar" move where you jump up like you are strumming a guitar in the air and come back down.  My knees just couldn't take it anymore.

I kept my heart rate between 130 - 150 AT THIS TIME.  Probably not as high as I could get it, certainly I expect the intensity to pick up as I go along.  However it was good to know where it was at during this workout.

Next week I'm thinking of doing Cardio-X.  I'll be honest.  I don't particularly care for Cardio-X and do feel it is quite the inferior workout to Plyometrics.  However, I need to do something for Tuesdays.  Plyo is too much on my legs/knees at this time, so until they get stronger Cardio-X will have to fill the void. 

I'm not sure what tomorrow is.  I think its a dedicated arm workout.  That should be fun.  I can say that my shoulders and forearms still hurt from the chest/back workout I did on Monday.  I take it as "I'm building new muscles".  lol  Until then.

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