Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11 (Day 50) - P90X [Day 4]

P90X - Yoga X [part 1] (46 minutes)

Yoga-X (for those who haven't done it) is a 91 minute video.  Personally, that is fucking insanity.  Who has that type of time to do a single workout?  Not me.  I did the first half.  Personally I thought I did awesome with it too.  I don't know why, but I felt really really strong throughout most of it.  My flexibility appears to be pretty good.  It wasn't until the very end when they started doing some crazy ass half moon something or other moves that I had to bow out.  I watched them to kind of familiarize myself with the moves so maybe next time I can give them a try.  I'm not going to be balancing on 1 straight leg though, with my arms and other leg, and torso completely parallel to the ground.  Crazy.  Tony is VERY impressive when he does Yoga.  Me, not so much.  I did enjoy it and felt really strong after doing it.

Until tomorrow.  Legs & Back.  I don't like working my legs and my right knee still hurts.

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